Maps, graphs, charts, stats
Map/counts of PA counties
PA Dept of Health
Chester County PA dashboard
Chester County PA Dept of Health Coronavirus
Chester County PA Dept of Health
Montgomery County PA
Franklin County OH
New York
Other states
US Map
US daily new cases
US projected cases/deaths (IHME "Chris Murray Model")
US stats/graphs
Cases by state ( -- Click "Jurisdictions +" below the map, then click "Total Cases" twice
World/country/region/state stats/graphs
World/country stats/graphs
Country maps
World map and stats
More stats
More maps and stats
Just Stay Home (self-quarantine, isolation, social distancing)
Detailed article w/graphs -- Why it's urgent to JUST STAY HOME,
Followup article by same guy -- Need for MANDATORY quarantine,
isolation, and social distancing
7-minute video (and transcript) about WHY to stay home,
even if it seems silly and unimportant
2-minute version of same video
7-minute version of same video with YouTube interactive
transcript (Click "..." below the video)
Extremely careful procedure for bringing food into house (if we really have to do this, I think very few of us will survive)
Video of people dying in overcrowded Italian hospital
Video of quarantined Italians saying they wish they'd
listened when it felt silly to do so
US is hesitating to do what Italy now WISHES it did
Bodies piling up in Italy too fast to cremate
How you can help
Philly Inquirer ideas
Washington Post ideas
Give blood
Drive your car
Donate to a "worker's relief fund"
Donate to a charity/non-profit
Buy gift cards from local businesses
Buy gift cards from Philly small businesses
Donate to a small business via Yelp
Patronize businesses that treat their employees well
Domestic workers fund
Food banks
Meals On Wheels
No Kid Hungry
Global Giving
Tipped/service workers fund
Hospitality workers fund
Donate PPE (mask, gloves, etc.) to Philly hospitals
Donate cash for PPE to Philly hospitals
Donate N95 masks
Donate PPE
Make and donate a cloth face mask
General info
Fred's Coronavirus Tips
CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Rich Kulawiec's Coronavirus links page
After the crisis
Long term effects on US society
Safe travel during COVID
Humor -- Social distancing advice from a dog
Trump vs God smackdown
#QuarantineChallenge2K20: "Everything's OK" song/dance at home
More #QuarantineChallenge2K20 videos