Bristle Software Voting Links

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  1. Check voter registration status
  2. Register to vote
    1. Pennsylvania
      1. On-line voter registration (new or change)
      2. Download voter registration form as PDF file to print and mail in (new or change)
      3. More info
    2. US States
  3. Vote by mail
    1. Pennsylvania
      1. Apply on-line for ballot:
      2. Download application form as PDF file to print and mail in:
      3. Track the status of your ballot:
      4. Dropoff locations for ballots, per PA county, if it's too late to mail it back:
      5. More info
    2. US States
  4. Absentee ballots
    1. Pennsylvania
    2. US States
  5. Info about political issues
    1. Pennsylvania
    2. US States
  6. Manipulating Elections
    1. Cross-filing in a primary

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