Google Drawings Keyboard Shortcuts --Fred 9/28/2012 Mac Cmd = Windows Ctrl Mac Opt = Windows Alt Cmd-/ Show keyboard shortcuts Click Select object Shift-Click Select additional object Drag Select objects Opt-Drag Select only completely enclosed shapes (Good way to select shapes, but not connectors, so that the connectors remain attached and rubberband as expected during a move.) Esc Abort a drag DblCick Enter text to be centered in shape Arrow Move selected objects by one gridline Shift-Arrow Nudge selected objects by 1 pixel Shift-Drag Move only horizontal or only vertical Shift-Drag Grow while preserving aspect ratio Opt-Drag Move, not snapping to grid or aligning w/other objects Cmd-Up/Down Push forward/backward (Z-order) Cmd-Shift-Up/Down Push to top/bottom (Z-order) Cmd-Drag Copy (not move) selected objects Cmd-C Copy Cmd-V Paste Cmd-X Cut Cmd-D Duplicate (Copy and Paste) Delete Delete Backspace Delete Cmd-Z Undo Cmd-Shift-Z Redo Cmd-Y Redo Cmd-B Bold Cmd-I Italics Cmd-U Underline Cmd-G Group objects Cmd-Shift-G Ungroup objects