From an e-mail Dad sent to a friend whose husband was recently diagnosed with cancer. Sent a couple days before he died. ---------------------------- Let me tell you a story. In my career I have been through four major job transfers to distant cities. Each time, I went ahead to the new job while Carol stayed back with our children. During the time apart I would spend time finding a new place that would become home for us. Finally, after a couple of months, Carol would join me to make a new home with our family. Each time our life would continue -- better than before in a bigger home in a better neighborhood. Although each relocation was painful at the time, each turned out to be a good thing for all in our family. For example, after one of these moves our oldest daughter found a boy just down the street that eventually became her husband. They have been married 25 years now and have three wonderful sons. Our oldest son found his wife in the same way also. They have a great marriage of 20 years. Our other children (we have eight) benefited from each of the relocations as well. It's likely that I will die from the BAC -- perhaps in the next few months, perhaps later. It will be like another job transfer. I will go ahead and find a new home for Carol and me. She will join me when she's ready, and our children and grandchildren will trickle on over to join us years later. Our new home will be much better than our old one, and we will be together in much happiness and joy. This is the vision that Carol and I have for our future. We know that the Lord will provide for us, and that our true home is with Him. This vision of our future is helpful to us as we face the separation of death. I hope you can derive some comfort from it as well. Love, Gene