2019 Road Trip w/Jerry to Glacier National Park and Canadian Rockies

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Looking out over the very blue Lake Michigan from the top of Sleeping Bear Dune

The view of Pictured Rocks on Lake Superior is best from a boat, but the tour boats were all turning back due to high winds and big waves.  We drove to Miners Castle at the top of the cliff to take this picture.

All throughout South Dakota, North Dakota and Canada, we saw lots of fields that were unplanted.  So much rain this spring that they were muddy and even flooded through the entire planting season.  Couldn't drive tractors in them to plant.  This field is still flooded in August.  So, no crops this year -- Maybe next year!  Climate change is a HUGE problem for farmers.

Sleeping Bear Dune gets steeper and steeper, becoming a cliff above the water.  Don't walk too far down.  You'll be unable to climb back up and may end up sliding down into the freezing cold water of Lake Michigan.  Rescues cost $3,000.  See the sign.

Beautiful double rainbow over the Russell Inn in the town of Russell, in Manitoba province, Canada.

Lots of bighorn sheep wandering around near Jasper
Video 1
Video 2

Elk along the side of the road near Jasper
Video 1
Video 2

Medicine Lake drains completely every year through many holes in the bottom, feeding springs in the Athabasca Valley 10 miles away, and refills from glacier runoff each spring.

Driving west from Jasper into British Columbia, Mount Robson really sneaks up on you.  You don't see it until you come out the trees and turn into the parking lot.  Then, Wow!!!

Great view of the mountains and glaciers from the boat tour of Maligne Lake.

More mountains from Maligne Lake

Male and female elk wading down the middle of a river as we crossed the bridge.

Athabasca Falls on the Athabasca River south of Jasper along the Icefields Parkway in the Canadian Rockies

Mountain goats grazing on the steep hillside along the road from Jasper to Banff in the Canadian Rockies

Trees are cleared to cut a road through the mountains.  Bushes tend to grow along the edges, free from the shade of the trees.  So, we find a black bear wandering along the edge of the road, eating berries from the bushes.  We pulled over at the end of a long line of parked cars to see what everyone was looking at.  The bear wandered along, eating berries, past all of the cars, and we each got our turn to take closeup pics and video.  Very accommodating!

Sunwapta Falls on the Sunwapta River south of Jasper along the Icefields Parkway in the Canadian Rockies
Short Video
Longer Video

Bighorn sheep crossing the road, grazing, and sprinting playfully up the steep hillside along the Icefield Parkway near Lake Louise in the Canadian Rockies
Video 1 of bighorn sheep crossing road
Video 2 of bighorn sheep crossing road
Video 3 of bighorn sheep crossing road
Video of bighorn sheep grazing
Video 4 of bighorn sheep crossing road
Video 5 of bighorn sheep crossing road
Video of bighorn sheep sprinting up the steep hillside

Lots of glaciers along the Icefield Parkway
Panoramic Video

I saw a few of these on major highways in Canada.  At first I thought it was a weird looking highway bridge.  Why trees on top?  Seems mighty luxurious.  Also, why the weird 2-hump shape?  Then it hit me.  This isn't a bridge for cars to cross the highway.  It's for WILDLIFE to cross the highway.  Very important, since there's tall sturdy deer fencing along both sides of the highway, to keep deer, elk, antelopes, moose, etc. from being hit by cars, but they still need to migrate across the highway.  Very nice!

As we drove the Golf Course Loop Drive in Banff, we came across this small herd of elk  Looks like a family -- one many-pointed buck, two does and one juvenile -- munching on the 15th hole.  Their golf caddies shooed us away.

Cameron Falls.  Very scenic in white.  I hear they sometimes turn pink from the mineral deposits.  See: https://www.narcity.com/ca/on/toronto/travel/this-pink-waterfall-is-canadas-coolest-hidden-gem

Prince of Wales Hotel in Waterton Park, Canada.  We didn't ask how much it costs or how far in advance you have to reserve your room.

Clouds and blue sky reflected in Waterton Lake

Mountain reflected in Waterton Lake

Click here for all 600 pics and 120 videos