Matt Brophy History Pr. 2 My Personal Memories of Gene Stluka I have known Gene Stluka (My Maternal Grandfather) all of my life. One of the things that I remember most about him is that he is usuaslly the one to start grace at the dinner table whenever we weat together. I also remember that he and his wife (My maternal Grandmother) get me and my brothers thick gloves for christmas which come in very handy in the winter when it snows. Almost every year, we have a Christmas Day dinner at their house and I know that he and his wife must go through a lot of work to get prepared for that. I also remember that we go golfing together and it is fun because he is a beginner, so sometimes I am not the only one to hit a bad shot. Another thing abouthim is that somnetimes when my Mom and Dad are away, we spend the night at their house and they always have movies for us to watch. He has a lot of the Disney movies. t a friends house for the night and had to work all day on Saturday. Saturday night, Gene