Design Patterns Study Group Iterator Pattern Fred Stluka April 30, 1998 Name Iterator AKA: Cursor Intent Provide a way to access the elements of an aggregate object sequentially without exposing its underlying representation An object behavioral pattern Motivation -- Approach 1: Direct access, no encapsulation Client code for Array: for (I = 0; I < MAX; I++) { ProcessItem (arr[I]); } Client code for Linked List: p = pList; while (p) { ProcessItem (*p); p = p->Next; } Client code for Binary Tree: [more complicated, recursive algorithm] Motivation -- Approach 1: Direct access, no encapsulation Pro: Simple, familiar, easy to understand Con: No encapsulation of data structure to prevent corruption Con: Different client code for different data structures Con: Can’t change data structure without re-coding client Motivation -- Approach 2: Iteration methods on Aggregate Aggregate class class List { ... void First(); void Next(); bool IsDone(); Item CurrentItem(); void AddItem(Item i); void RemoveItem(); Item FindItem(char* pName); } Motivation -- Approach 2: Iteration methods on Aggregate Client code (for list, array, tree, …) pList->First(); while (!pList->IsDone()) { ProcessItem (pList->CurrentItem()); pList->Next(); } Motivation -- Approach 2: Iteration methods on Aggregate Pro: (All pros from previous approach) Pro: Encapsulation of data structure Pro: Same client code for all data structures (list, array, tree, ...) Motivation -- Approach 2: Iteration methods on Aggregate Con: No multiple concurrent traversals Searching for duplicates, etc. Con: No multiple types of traversal backward, forward, preorder, postorder, inorder Con: Traversal algorithm not reusable Con: Iteration methods intermixed with other methods Motivation -- Approach 3: Separate Iterator Aggregate class class List { ... int Count(); Item Get(int pos); void AddItem(Item i, int pos); void RemoveItem(int pos); Item& FindItem(char* pName); ... } Iterator class class Iterator { ... Iterator(List* list); void First(); void Next(); bool IsDone(); Item CurrentItem(); ... } Motivation -- Approach 3: Separate Iterator Client code (for list, array, tree, …) Iterator i(pList); i->First(); while (!i->IsDone()) { ProcessItem (i->CurrentItem()); i->Next(); } Motivation -- Approach 3: Separate Iterator Pro: (All pros from previous approach) Pro: Multiple concurrent traversals via multiple instances of iterator Pro: Multiple types of traversal via multiple iterator classes Pro: Traversal algorithm reusable Pro: Iteration methods factored out Motivation -- Approach 3: Separate Iterator Con: Iterator needs access to items Get, Count Con: Need way to associate Iterator with Aggregate Parameter to Iterator constructor Con: How to efficiently store position? Pos parameter to Get, AddItem, RemoveItem, ... Especially recursive Aggregates Applicability Access to contents of black-box aggregate Polymorphic iteration Same interface for list, tree, ... Multiple traversals Nested or concurrent Forward, reverse, preorder, inorder, postorder Complex traversal algorithm Reuse the algorithm on multiple data structures Structure [diagram] Participants Iterator Defines interface for accessing and traversing elements ConcreteIterator Maintains position and determines next element Aggregate Defines interface for creating Iterator ConcreteAggregate Creates appropriate ConcreteIterator Collaborations ConcreteIterator keeps track of current item in the aggregate and can compute the succeeding item in the traversal. Consequences Separation of data structure from traversal Multiple concurrent traversals Current position recorded in each iterator, not in the aggregate Multiple traversal orders Traversal algorithm reusable Simplifies interface of Aggregate Moves First(), Next(), IsDone() etc. to Iterator class Implementation: Internal (“Passive”) Iterators Previous discussion covers “external” (“active”) iterators “Internal” (“passive”) Iterator class typedef bool (*FUNCPTR)(Item); class Iterator { ... Iterator(List* list); bool Traverse(FUNCPTR fp); ... } Client code (for list, array, tree, …) Iterator i(pList); i->Traverse(ProcessItem); Implementation: Internal (“Passive”) Iterators Pro: Simpler to use, no risk of infinite loop Pro: Manages complex position well Implementation: Internal (“Passive”) Iterators Con: Hides complex position from client Con: Less flexible (like “for” loop) Con: No synchronized traversals (MergeSort) Con: Info accumulated during traversal must be stored globally or statically (or passed as Iterator parameter) See also: Implementation: Modifications During Iteration Items added during iteration Mathematical “closure” algorithm relies on hitting added items later. Other algorithms rely on not hitting them. Prioritized list relies on hitting high priority added items immediately, and low priority added items later. Items deleted during iteration Common mistake is to iterate list, deleting items. Don’t allow this to crash your iterator. See also: Implementation: Polymorphic Iterators Polymorphic Iterators are heap-based (dynamically allocated by CreateIterator and passed to client). Memory leak if client fails to deallocate. Use Proxy pattern to do deallocation in destructor of stack-based proxy class. Implementation: Privileged access How does Iterator access items in Aggregate without making such access available to all clients? “Friend” access in C++ requires knowledge of all Iterators by Aggregate. “Protected” access in C++ requires Iterator to be a subclass of Aggregate. Implementation: Full “iterator” vs. mere “cursor” Previous discussion has been on iterators “Cursors” are lightweight iterators that record the current position but not the algorithm for getting to the next item. The Aggregate does that part. This dodges the problem of privileged access Implementation: Recursive aggregates How to efficiently maintain position in a recursive aggregate like a tree? Can’t keep pointer into guts of data structure without special access. Can’t use a simple index without forcing Aggregate to re-traverse to the right node at each iteration. Implementation: Associating Iterator & Aggregate How to associate the Iterator with the Aggregate? Aggregate creates Iterator of the right type and passes itself as a parameter to the constructor. Con: Aggregate must know all Iterator types. Client creates both and passes one to the other. Con: Client must know appropriate pairs. Known Uses Booch components, 1987 (active/passive) VB “For Each”, Form_Unload (passive) C++ STL Smalltalk collection classes Windows “RegEnumKey” API (active) Windows “EnumWindows” API (passive) All black-box aggregates Related Patterns Composite Used to implement recursive Aggregates Factory Method Used in Aggregate to create Iterator Memento Used in Iterator to store position Questions Example of PreOrderIterator on pg 68?