Don't Be A Trump!
Make America Honorable Again!
Red links are new.
You've already seen the black ones.
Undoing the Trump damage
- Biden's 1st 45 Executive Actions
- Even die-hard Trump fans can't stand all the hate and craziness
- Some Republicans want to return to their principles
- How to defeat Trumpism
- Best Strategy for 2nd Trump Impeachment
- How to save the US Postal Service
- Trump wasn't so bad except for...
- Biden's 1st Town Hall
- What's all the fuss about Black Lives Matter?...
- It's easier to smash than to rebuild
- Biden's $1.9 trillion COVID bill, the "American Rescue Act"
- HR-1 "For The People" Act
- HR-4 "Voting Rights Advancement Act"
- Change filibuster to require 41 votes to continue?
Avoid #FakeNews
- Where do you get your news and other info?
- "Critical Thinking" is essential
- Real or #FakeNews?
Trump's "honor"
Is Trump honorable?
- Do you think Trump is an honorable man?
- There's only one type of "honorable"
- Trump has no plan and no moral compass. He's a weather vane.
- US could beat Coronavirus, if Trump wanted to
Trump's motivation: profit
- Why Trump ran for President, and how he accidentally got himself elected
- Is Trump making billions by manipulating the stock market?
- Is Trump himself making billions, or someone who whispers in his ear?
- People suspect Trump is skimming billions
- How to prove Trump is skimming billions
- Trump charges the Secret Service MILLIONS of dollars to protect him?
- Trump takes bribes from foreign governments and lobbyists
Trump's lies
- Trump lies MUCH more than other candidates
- Trump tells lies, damned lies and statistics
- A list of some Trump lies
- Lies in Trump's 2020 State Of The Union address
- Is Twitter blocking some of Trump's most dangerous lies?
- Trump claims he held no rallies during #Coronavirus in March 2020
Trump's cheating
- How to steal an election
- Trump plan to steal all PA votes
Trump's "promises kept"
- Promises made, promises NOT kept!
- More promises made, promises NOT kept
- Wall not being built
- The wall doesn't work anyhow
- ObamaCare not "repealed and replaced". It's alive and well. I've saved $60,000 so far!
- ObamaCare sabotaged, but not "imploding"
- Swamp not drained
- Plays WAY more golf than Obama
Trump's "effectiveness"
- Obama created more jobs than Trump
- The stock market gained MUCH more under Obama than under Trump
- Who deserves credit for the "Trump Economy"? Thanks, Obama!
- The #TrumpSlump is coming
- The #TrumpSlump is here
- Trump's disastrous steel tariffs are killing the US economy
World leader
- America is no longer great because the world has no respect for Trump
US leader
- James Mattis, Trump's own Secretary of Defense, says Trump is harmful to the US
- Trump fans the flames to cause more George Floyd rioting
National security
- Trump is a national security risk because he's weak and easily manipulated
- Trump refuses to beat the Coronavirus by tracking its variants
- Trump abandoned the American people, commiting pandemicide, causing 300,000 more deaths
Trump's "strength"
- Why I call Trump #SadLittleDonny -- he's weak, insecure and pathetic
Trump's "business sense"
- Trump has no business sense -- it's all bluster, bailouts, and bankruptcies
Trump's "base" (aka, the "baser" side of humanity)
- How can they not see it?
- Democrat, Independent or #MAGAt -- which are you?
- Senate non-trial? Enough is enough -- They really are #MAGAts
- Trump is only a symptom
- Maybe some of them are not truly #MAGAts after all?
- Cognitive dissonance makes your head hurt
- Republicans have changed
- The Case Against Trump (and why some of your friends and family no longer want to speak to you)
- Counter arguments against claims of Trump "successes"
- What does it mean to "bear arms"?
Trump's "impeachment trials"
- Senate chickened out on impeachment, but the truth will come out
- Impeachment = indictment, Removal = jury trial and conviction
- Senate can't blame the House for not doing the Senate's job
- Best Strategy for 2nd Trump Impeachment
- Video of Capitol riots with Trump urging them on
Trump's racism
The truth about immigrants
- The truth about seasonal workers with H-2B visas
Trump's future
- Trump's house of cards is collapsing
- Countdown of days till a real president
America's past
- America WAS great UNTIL Trump took office
America's future
- What will Trump do if he loses? And what will YOU do in response?
- What I think Trump will do if he loses
- Will the US military support a Trump coup attempt?
- What I will do in case of a Trump coup attempt
How can YOU help?
- See something, say something. Silence is complicity
- Don't be a collaborator, even passively
- How to talk about politics
- Polite won't get the job done
- Be a gracious winner
On the lighter side...
- Trump cartoons and jokes
- "The Day Democracy Died" sung by The Founding Fathers
- Even children mock sad pathetic little Donny
- Did Trump really say if the Dow dropped 1,000, the President should be impeached?
- Calendar of Trump's Coronavirus statements
- Miscellaneous (not yet categorized above)