Big news!
The Democrats are now manipulating Trump.
Controlling the narrative.
Forcing him to defend his fragile ego.
At his rally in Tulsa, Trump spoke for 100 minutes, and spent more than 10
of them defending his inability to lift a glass of water, and his slow walk
down the West Point ramp.
He's very concerned that people might think he's weak.
He explained the water glass as:
Had to salute each of 600 cadets and his arm got tired
"Sun pouring down on me"
"I was on the stage for hours -- hours!"
Afraid to spill water on his "expensive red silk tie"
He explained his slow walk as:
Wearing slippery leather-soled shoes
"Ramp was like an ice-skating rink" [in the intense hot sun?]
No handrail
Afraid to "fall on his ass" with press watching
He even felt the need to demonstrate his ability to drink one-handed.
And to re-enact the slow walk.
Here's a
3 second looping clip
some clips from his 10 minutes of explanation.
Note: You have to click these links, not the image above that looks like
it contains a Play button (but doesn't).
I'll eventually fix that, but not today.
So many Trump stupidities, so little time...
Some other oddities:
He saluted "almost 600 times", but he says there were "1,106 cadets".
Did he salute only some of them?
Maybe only the white ones?
He was halfway through bragging about the "nice tan" he got standing in
the sun, when he suddenly switched gears.
Remembered that he was supposed to be complaining about the sun and
the overheating that led to his inability to lift a glass of water.
Switched to "Meaning -- meaning I had a nice sunburn."
Claims he "ran down the last 10" feet, but says:
"their tape?
Take a look.
In almost every instance, it ends just before the run."
I've only seen one video, but it
doesn't end early.
It clearly shows him regaining his balance after exiting the ramp.
Even shows him strutting around for a few seconds afterwards, looking
to see if anyone's laughing at him.
As I
warned here,
Trump is easily manipulated. By the Democrats, by special interest
groups, by foreign powers, etc.
Sad, pathetic, little Donny...