Didja fin'ly take down thet stupid Trump sine?  Folks keep drivin' by, takin' pitchers 'n' laughin' at us.  They knows he conned us all into stormin' the capitul, then ran away like a baby, an' threw us unner the bus to save hisself!
Don't worry, deer.  I dubbled down like he tol' us, so folks kin see we're seerius.  Won't dare laff at us now!
Hey, why's a FBI knockin' onna front door?  How'd they fine us way out here in Churchville MD?  Whut give us away?  Muss be a rat in our millisha!  Prolly that new guy who weared a face mask to the rally. 
Go hide inna basemint.  Ah'll put on my KKK hood so they don't reconnize me.  Just wait till the nauggerayshun on January 20 March 4 March 20 real soon now!