Bristle Software Cheat Sheet for the Google Chart API: Base URL: Params: Required chs=WxH chart size in pixels, max total pixels=300,000, max H=1000 cht= chart type (dozen types) - lc line chart, w/X coords evenly spaced - lxy line shart w/X and Y specified for each point - ls spark line (line chart w/no X axis) - bhs bar chart, horizontal, stacked - bvs bar chart, vertical, stacked - bhg bar chart, horizontal, grouped - bvg bar chart, vertical, grouped - p pie 2D - p3 pie 3D - v Venn diagram - s Scatter plot - r Radar chart w/straight lines - rs Radar chart w/splines - t Map - gom Google-o-meter (like a speedometer) - qr QR code (encoded diagram that QR readers translates to URL) chd= chart data in various formats like: - chd=t:1.0,100.0,3.0,5.0,57.0 - Points are percent of max data point: 0.0 to 100.0 - -1 = missing data point - Separate data sets w/vertical bar (|) - chds=0,50&chd=t:-50.0,126.0,-11.0,-23.0,15.0 Optional chtt= chart title - plus (+) for space - vertical bar (|) for line break chts=RRGGBB,font_size chart title color chdl=label1|label2|... chart data labels (legend) chdlp= chart data legend position - b bottom - t top - r right - l left chco=RRGGBBTT,RRGGBBTT,... chart data colors chds=min1,max1,min2,max2,... chart data scaling (min,max coords to scale data to) chxt=type1,type2,type3,type4 Axis types (which axes to show) - x bottom x axis - t top x axis - y left y axis - r right y axis chxl=0:|label0_1|label0_2|...| 1:|label1_1|label1_2|...| 2:|label2_1|label2_2|...| ... Multiple labels for each axis defined by chxt chxp=0,pos0_1,pos0_2,...| 1,pos1_1,pos1_1,...| 2,pos2_1,pos2_1,...| ... Multiple positions of labels for each axis defined by chxt chxr=0,start0,end0| 1,start1,end1| 2,start2,end2| ... Range of values on each axis defined by chxt chxs=0,RRGGBB0,font_size0,alignment0| 1,RRGGBB1,font_size1,alignment1| 2,RRGGBB2,font_size2,alignment2| ... Axis label font size, color, and alignment - 0 centered - -1 left aligned - 1 right aligned chf= Solid fill, Linear gradient, Linear stripes - bg_c_a,s,RRGGBB|bg_c_a,s,RRGGBB - bg background fill - c chart area fill - a transparent chart - s solid fill mode - bg_c,lg,angle,RRGGBB,offset1,RRGGBB,offset2 - bg background fill - c chart area fill - lg linear gradient mode - angle = angle of gradient of color change, 0-90 degrees - offset1 = offset where gradient from 1st to 2nd color starts - offset2 = offset where gradient from 1st to 2nd color ends - bg_c,ls,angle,RRGGBB,width1,RRGGBB,width2,... - bg background fill - c chart area fill - lg linear stripes mode - angle = angle of stripes, 0-90 degrees - width = width of stripe chg=x_grid_size,y_grid_size,gridline_dash_length,gridline_blank_length chm=type0,RRGGBB0,0,location0,size0,priority0| type1,RRGGBB1,1,location1,size1,priority1| type2,RRGGBB2,2,location2,size2,priority2| ... Shape markers - type - a arrow - c cross (+) - x rotated cross (x) - d diamond - o circle - s square - tText text (pluses for spaces betewwn words of Text) - v vertical line from x-axis to point - V vertical line from point to top of chart - h Horizontal line - location - 0 At Oth data point - 1 At 1st data point - 2 At 2nd data point ... - -1 At all data points - fraction = interpolate a marker between 2 data points - priority - 1 Marker drawn on top of bars, lines, markers, etc. - 0 Marker drawn on top of bars and lines, beneath markers - -1 Marker drawn beneath bars, lines, markers, etc. chm=r_R0,RRGGBB0,anything,range_start0,range_end0| r_R1,RRGGBB1,anything,range_start1,range_end1| r_R2,RRGGBB2,anything,range_start2,range_end2| ... Range markers - r horizontal range - R vertical range - 0.00 bottom or left - 1.00 top or right Line charts chls=width1,dash_length1,blank_length1| width2,dash_length2,blank_length2| ... Line widths and dash styles chm= Fill areas above, between, and below lines - b,RRGGBB0,start0,end0,ignore| b,RRGGBB1,start1,end1,ignore| b,RRGGBB2,start2,end2,ignore| ... - B Fill the area under the one line - D,RRGGBB0,0,0,marker_size0,priority0| D,RRGGBB1,1,0,marker_size1,priority1| D,RRGGBB2,2,0,marker_size2,priority2| ... - 1 Line drawn on top of bars and markers - 0 Line drawn on top of bars and beneath markers - -1 Line drawn beneath bars and markers Bar charts chbh=Bar width,Bar spacing within group,Spacing between groups bar chart width and spacing chp=n,n,... - Value between 0.0 and 1.0 to indicate position of zero value for each bar chart Pie charts chl=Jan|Feb|Mar pie chart segment labels Maps chtm=location - africa - asia - europe - middle_east - south_america - usa - world QR codes chl=text_to_encode choe=output_encoding Returns PNG file Details: - Developer's Guide - Generator: - Generator: - 50 Cool Things - Bullet graphs - From Excel - Pie charts on World map: - Pie charts from US map of states:©Copyright 1998-2021, Bristle Software, Inc. All rights reserved.