#!/bin/csh -f # makepubreview # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Shell script to create a default "pub" script in the local directory, # allowing the user to review and reconcile any changes from the # existing "pub" script, if any. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Revision History: # $Log$ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($1:q == "-h" || $1:q == "--help") then echo "Usage: $0:t [options]" echo "Options:" echo "-q = Quick -- Skip interactive review of changes. Just accept them." exit 1 endif # Collect command line options set option_quick_string = "" while ($#argv > 0) if ("$1" == "-q") then set option_quick_string = "$1" shift else echo "Invalid option $1" $0 -h exit 1 endif end if (-e pub) then cp -i pub pub.old endif (unset noclobber; makepub) if (-e pub.old) then # Give the user a chance to review and reconcile the differences diffreviewdel $option_quick_string pub pub.old endif