Bristle Software Perl Tips

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Table of Contents:

  1. Passing parameters to subroutines
  2. Beware ampersand on call without parameters
  3. Accessing a database via DBI

Details of Tips:

  1. Passing parameters to subroutines

    Last Updated: 10/6/1999
    Applies to:  Perl 5

    Perl subroutine calls with parameters look like any of the following:

    	sub1 1, "abc", 2;
    	&sub1 1, "abc", 2;
    	sub1 (1, "abc", 2);
    	&sub1 (1, "abc", 2);

    The ampersand ("&") and the parentheses are optional in most cases.  The called subroutine can then refer to the parameters as elements of the array @_ as:

    	print "Parameter 1 is: $_[0]";
    	print "Parameter 2 is: $_[1]";
    	print "Parameter 3 is: $_[2]";

    Or it can copy the array into a list of local variables as:

    	my ($param1, $param2, $param3) = @_;
    	print "Parameter 1 is: $param1";
    	print "Parameter 2 is: $param2";
    	print "Parameter 3 is: $param3";

    Or it can shift the parameters into local variables as:

    	my $param1 = shift;
    	my $param2 = shift;
    	my $param3 = shift;
    	print "Parameter 1 is: $param1";
    	print "Parameter 2 is: $param2";
    	print "Parameter 3 is: $param3";

    To supply default arguments for the parameters, in case the caller omitted some or all of them:

    	my $param1 = ($_ = shift) ? $_ : 123;
    	my $param2 = ($_ = shift) ? $_ : "abcdef";
    	my $param3 = ($_ = shift) ? $_ : 456;
    	print "Parameter 1 is: $param1";
    	print "Parameter 2 is: $param2";
    	print "Parameter 3 is: $param3";


  2. Beware ampersand on call without parameters

    Last Updated: 10/10/1999
    Applies to:  Perl 5

    Perl subroutine calls without parameters look like any of the following:


    However, one of these is not like the others.   The 2nd call -- the one with an ampersand ("&") and no parentheses -- has the interesting behavior of passing along the parameter list that was passed to the caller, minus any "shift"ed parameters.  For example:

    	sub a
    	    my $arg1 = shift;
    	    print "arg1 of a = \"$arg1\"\n";
    	sub b
    	    my $arg1 = shift;
    	    print "arg1 of b = \"$arg1\"\n";
    	print "Calling b...\n";
    	b 1,2;

    Here b is called with 2 parameters.  It shifts one of them into its $arg1 variable, and then calls a, apparently passing no parameters.   Inside a however, the first parameter is the value passed as the second parameter to b

    This is not usually what you want, but it is not a bug.  It is the documented intended behavior of Perl.  To prevent b's parameters from being implicitly passed to a, either remove the ampersand from the call to a or add parentheses to the call.


  3. Accessing a database via DBI

    Last Updated: 10/17/1999
    Applies to:  Perl 5

    Database access from Perl is easy using the DBI package.  For example, to read data from an Oracle database:

    use DBI;
    my $drh = DBI->install_driver('Oracle');
    if (! $drh) { print("Error: $DBI::errstr"); }
    my $dbh = $drh->connect("mydatabase", "myuserid", "mypassword");
    if (! $dbh) { print("Error: $DBI::errstr"); }
    my $sth = $dbh->prepare(
    		"select name, SSN, phone_number from person");
    if (! $sth) { print("Error: $DBI::errstr"); }
    my $rv = $sth->execute;
    if (! $rv) { print("Error: $DBI::errstr"); }
    while(($Name, $SSN, $Phone) = $sth->fetchrow)
        DoSomethingWith($Name, $SSN, $Phone);
    my $rv = $sth->finish;
    if (! $rv) { print("Error: $DBI::errstr"); }
    $rv = $dbh->disconnect;
    if (! $rv) { print("Error: $DBI::errstr"); }

    For more info on the DBI package, see:



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