Keys at the tcsh command prompt: Ctrl-A = Move to beginning of line Ctrl-E = Move to end of line Ctrl-K = Kill (cut) to end of line Ctrl-U = Kill (cut) entire line Ctrl-Y = Yank (paste) Ctrl-L = Formfeed (clear screen, same as "clear" command) Esc Del = Delete word to the left The bindkey command shows the full list of key bindings: % bindkey Standard key bindings "^@" -> set-mark-command "^A" -> beginning-of-line "^B" -> backward-char "^C" -> tty-sigintr "^D" -> delete-char-or-list-or-eof "^E" -> end-of-line "^F" -> forward-char "^G" -> is undefined "^H" -> backward-delete-char "^I" -> complete-word "^J" -> newline "^K" -> kill-line "^L" -> clear-screen "^M" -> newline "^N" -> down-history "^O" -> tty-flush-output "^P" -> up-history "^Q" -> tty-start-output "^R" -> redisplay "^S" -> tty-stop-output "^T" -> transpose-chars "^U" -> kill-whole-line "^V" -> quoted-insert "^W" -> kill-region "^X" -> sequence-lead-in "^Y" -> yank "^Z" -> tty-sigtsusp "^[" -> sequence-lead-in "^\" -> tty-sigquit "^]" -> tty-dsusp " " to "/" -> self-insert-command "0" to "9" -> digit ":" to "~" -> self-insert-command "^?" -> backward-delete-char "^?" -> list-choices "^?" -> backward-delete-word "^?" -> complete-word "^?" -> clear-screen "^?" -> run-fg-editor "^?" -> complete-word "^?" -> copy-prev-word "\240" to "ΓΏ" -> self-insert-command Alternative key bindings Multi-character bindings "^[[A" -> up-history "^[[B" -> down-history "^[[C" -> forward-char "^[[D" -> backward-char "^[[H" -> beginning-of-line "^[[F" -> end-of-line "^[OA" -> up-history "^[OB" -> down-history "^[OC" -> forward-char "^[OD" -> backward-char "^[OH" -> beginning-of-line "^[OF" -> end-of-line "^[^D" -> list-choices "^[^H" -> backward-delete-word "^[^I" -> complete-word "^[^L" -> clear-screen "^[^Z" -> run-fg-editor "^[^[" -> complete-word "^[^_" -> copy-prev-word "^[ " -> expand-history "^[!" -> expand-history "^[$" -> spell-line "^[/" -> dabbrev-expand "^[0" -> digit-argument "^[1" -> digit-argument "^[2" -> digit-argument "^[3" -> digit-argument "^[4" -> digit-argument "^[5" -> digit-argument "^[6" -> digit-argument "^[7" -> digit-argument "^[8" -> digit-argument "^[9" -> digit-argument "^[?" -> which-command "^[A" -> newline-and-hold "^[B" -> backward-word "^[C" -> capitalize-word "^[D" -> delete-word "^[F" -> forward-word "^[H" -> run-help "^[L" -> downcase-word "^[N" -> history-search-forward "^[P" -> history-search-backward "^[R" -> toggle-literal-history "^[S" -> spell-word "^[U" -> upcase-word "^[W" -> copy-region-as-kill "^[Y" -> yank-pop "^[_" -> insert-last-word "^[a" -> newline-and-hold "^[b" -> backward-word "^[c" -> capitalize-word "^[d" -> delete-word "^[f" -> forward-word "^[h" -> run-help "^[l" -> downcase-word "^[n" -> history-search-forward "^[p" -> history-search-backward "^[r" -> toggle-literal-history "^[s" -> spell-word "^[u" -> upcase-word "^[w" -> copy-region-as-kill "^[y" -> yank-pop "^[^?" -> backward-delete-word "^X^X" -> exchange-point-and-mark "^X*" -> expand-glob "^X$" -> expand-variables "^XG" -> list-glob "^Xg" -> list-glob "^Xn" -> normalize-path "^XN" -> normalize-path "^X?" -> normalize-command "^X^I" -> complete-word-raw "^X^D" -> list-choices-raw Arrow key bindings down -> down-history up -> up-history left -> backward-char right -> forward-char home -> beginning-of-line end -> end-of-line The bindkey -l command shows the full list of editing functions that can be bound to keys: % bindkey -l backward-char Move back a character backward-delete-char Delete the character behind cursor backward-delete-word Cut from beginning of current word to cursor - saved in cut buffer backward-kill-line Cut from beginning of line to cursor - save in cut buffer backward-word Move to beginning of current word beginning-of-line Move to beginning of line capitalize-word Capitalize the characters from cursor to end of current word change-case Vi change case of character under cursor and advance one character change-till-end-of-line Vi change to end of line clear-screen Clear screen leaving current line on top complete-word Complete current word complete-word-fwd Tab forward through files complete-word-back Tab backward through files complete-word-raw Complete current word ignoring programmable completions copy-prev-word Copy current word to cursor copy-region-as-kill Copy area between mark and cursor to cut buffer dabbrev-expand Expand to preceding word for which this is a prefix delete-char Delete character under cursor delete-char-or-eof Delete character under cursor or signal end of file on an empty line delete-char-or-list Delete character under cursor or list completions if at end of line delete-char-or-list-or-eof Delete character under cursor, list completions or signal end of file delete-word Cut from cursor to end of current word - save in cut buffer digit Adds to argument if started or enters digit digit-argument Digit that starts argument down-history Move to next history line downcase-word Lowercase the characters from cursor to end of current word end-of-file Indicate end of file end-of-line Move cursor to end of line exchange-point-and-mark Exchange the cursor and mark expand-glob Expand file name wildcards expand-history Expand history escapes expand-line Expand the history escapes in a line expand-variables Expand variables forward-char Move forward one character forward-word Move forward to end of current word gosmacs-transpose-chars Exchange the two characters before the cursor history-search-backward Search in history backward for line beginning as current history-search-forward Search in history forward for line beginning as current insert-last-word Insert last item of previous command i-search-fwd Incremental search forward i-search-back Incremental search backward keyboard-quit Clear line kill-line Cut to end of line and save in cut buffer kill-region Cut area between mark and cursor and save in cut buffer kill-whole-line Cut the entire line and save in cut buffer list-choices List choices for completion list-choices-raw List choices for completion overriding programmable completion list-glob List file name wildcard matches list-or-eof List choices for completion or indicate end of file if empty line load-average Display load average and current process status magic-space Expand history escapes and insert a space newline Execute command newline-and-hold Execute command and keep current line newline-and-down-history Execute command and move to next history line normalize-path Expand pathnames, eliminating leading .'s and ..'s normalize-command Expand commands to the resulting pathname or alias overwrite-mode Switch from insert to overwrite mode or vice versa prefix-meta Add 8th bit to next character typed quoted-insert Add the next character typed to the line verbatim redisplay Redisplay everything run-fg-editor Restart stopped editor run-help Look for help on current command self-insert-command This character is added to the line sequence-lead-in This character is the first in a character sequence set-mark-command Set the mark at cursor spell-word Correct the spelling of current word spell-line Correct the spelling of entire line stuff-char Send character to tty in cooked mode toggle-literal-history Toggle between literal and lexical current history line transpose-chars Exchange the character to the left of the cursor with the one under transpose-gosling Exchange the two characters before the cursor tty-dsusp Tty delayed suspend character tty-flush-output Tty flush output character tty-sigintr Tty interrupt character tty-sigquit Tty quit character tty-sigtsusp Tty suspend character tty-start-output Tty allow output character tty-stop-output Tty disallow output character undefined-key Indicates unbound character universal-argument Emacs universal argument (argument times 4) up-history Move to previous history line upcase-word Uppercase the characters from cursor to end of current word vi-beginning-of-next-word Vi goto the beginning of next word vi-add Vi enter insert mode after the cursor vi-add-at-eol Vi enter insert mode at end of line vi-chg-case Vi change case of character under cursor and advance one character vi-chg-meta Vi change prefix command vi-chg-to-eol Vi change to end of line vi-cmd-mode Enter vi command mode (use alternative key bindings) vi-cmd-mode-complete Vi command mode complete current word vi-delprev Vi move to previous character (backspace) vi-delmeta Vi delete prefix command vi-endword Vi move to the end of the current space delimited word vi-eword Vi move to the end of the current word vi-char-back Vi move to the character specified backward vi-char-fwd Vi move to the character specified forward vi-charto-back Vi move up to the character specified backward vi-charto-fwd Vi move up to the character specified forward vi-insert Enter vi insert mode vi-insert-at-bol Enter vi insert mode at beginning of line vi-repeat-char-fwd Vi repeat current character search in the same search direction vi-repeat-char-back Vi repeat current character search in the opposite search direction vi-repeat-search-fwd Vi repeat current search in the same search direction vi-repeat-search-back Vi repeat current search in the opposite search direction vi-replace-char Vi replace character under the cursor with the next character typed vi-replace-mode Vi replace mode vi-search-back Vi search history backward vi-search-fwd Vi search history forward vi-substitute-char Vi replace character under the cursor and enter insert mode vi-substitute-line Vi replace entire line vi-word-back Vi move to the previous word vi-word-fwd Vi move to the next word vi-undo Vi undo last change vi-zero Vi goto the beginning of line which-command Perform which of current command yank Paste cut buffer at cursor position yank-pop Replace just-yanked text with yank from earlier kill e_dosify_next (WIN32 only) Convert each '/' in next word to '\\' e_dosify_prev (WIN32 only) Convert each '/' in previous word to '\\' e_page_up (WIN32 only) Page visible console window up e_page_down (WIN32 only) Page visible console window down For more info, see other bindkey options via one of these: % bindkey -h % info tcsh | less +/"bindkey" (Same as my manb script called as: % manb bindkey) --Fred 4/25/2021 --Fred 5/7/2021