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Original Version: 3/28/2020
Last Updated: 3/6/2021 (Search for occurrences of "update" below)
Here's what's in the "CARES Act", the $2.2 Trillion Coronavirus bill.
This bill is also known as "Phase III" of the various bills passed this month to deal with the Coronavirus pandemic. There's already talk of a Phase IV bill, since this one was so rushed. Hopefully much smaller, just to fine tune a few things.
Date | Pages | Cost | Name | |
I |
Wed 3/4/20 |
28 | $8.3 Billion | Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act |
II |
Wed 3/18/20 |
83 | $180 - 350 Billion | Families First Coronavirus Response Act |
Fri 3/27/20 |
880 |
$2.2 Trillion
($2,200 Billion) |
CARES Act -- Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act
- Includes $1,200 refund per family member |
IV | Tue
4/21/20 |
??? | $733 Billion | Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act |
V | Mon
12/27/20 |
5,593 | $915 Billion |
COVID-related Tax Relief Act of 2020
and Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2020 - Part of $2.3 trillion budget bill - Includes $600 refund per family member - See details |
VI | 3/11/21 | 628 |
$1.9 Trillion
($1,900 Billion) |
Biden's American Rescue Act
Legend: Color-coding of partisan aspects, as I understand them:
What's in the bill
What's NOT in the bill
Here are additional items that are NOT in the bill. The Democrats wanted them, but the Republicans blocked them all. Some of this may show up in the Phase IV bill. (This was Phase III.)
More info
Full searchable text of Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III bills, and all US Code:
More info about Phase III (CARES Act):
If you think these sources are all biased, you can find your own sources with a search engine query like the following. Email me any other sources that significantly add info, or that contradict what I've said here. I'll add them to the list and update this summary. Maybe I'll learn something in the process!
Original Version: 2/7/2021
Last Updated: 2/7/2021
This is Phase V of the COVID-19 relief bills passed in 2020. See: CARES Act -- 3/27/2020 $2.2 Trillion Coronavirus Bill
Here are 2 of the many provisions. May be useful to small businesses that need more help than just the PPP (Payroll Protection Program).
They're both "refundable tax credits", so you get all the cash even if it exceeds your taxes owed or taxes paid.
Check with your accountant. Could save you a lot of money and help your business to survive COVID until the vaccines kick in.
Thanks to Brita van Rossum for pointing me to these 2 provisions!
Original Version: 4/22/2020
Last Updated: 2/15/2021
Where to buy alcohol in various places, with so many businesses closed due to Coronavirus? Here are some answers. Feel free to email answers for more places to
Per Geoff Wilson:
Much much easier than your experience of buying wine is:
Original Version: 4/22/2020
Last Updated: 4/29/2020
In Pennnsylvania, even before the Coronavirus pandemic, the rules were complicated:
During the Coronavirus pandemic:
Original Version: 4/23/2020
Last Updated: 4/23/2020
Per Dave Weiss:
You can (still) buy beer and wine at the supermarkets in Chicago,
and I have passed a few liquor stores (well, they sell more than
just liquor, but that's their main product) that are open.
Original Version: 4/23/2020
Last Updated: 4/23/2020
Per Phil Hostetter:
Here's the VA story:
They do tend to close stores if an employee tests positive -- last I heard there were ten closed. But, as a very long-time MD and DC shopper, I've been pleased to find that VA is now price-competitive, with good monthly specials. I mostly buy vodka, which I infuse with gin spices to make a good imitation of gin.
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