Bristle Software IntelliJ IDEA Tips

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Table of Contents:

  1. IntelliJ IDEA Shortcut Keys

Details of Tips:

  1. IntelliJ IDEA Shortcut Keys

    Last Updated: 1/21/2006
    Applies to: IntelliJ IDEA 4.5.1+

    Here is a list of some of the more useful shortcut keys in IntelliJ IDEA.

    Key Function
    Ctrl-Shift-F7 Highlight all occurrences of identifier in file
    Ctrl-Click Go to declaration of object at cursor (variable, class, etc.)
    Ctrl-B Go to declaration of object at cursor (variable, class, etc.)
    Ctrl-Shift-B Go to declaration of type of object at cursor (variable, class, etc.)
    Ctrl-H Go to type at cursor in class hierarchy window
    Ctrl-N Selection dialog for classes, where you can type the beginning of the short name (w/o packages) and quickly go to the right source file.  Wildcard * (any sequence of chars) is supported.
    Nested tip: Click the checkbox in the dialog to see library classes too.
    Nested tip: Type * to see a complete list, since it doesn't show anything until you start typing.
    Nested tip: Hit Ctrl-Shift-N, or Ctrl-Alt-Shift-N while typing to convert to those searches instead of the Ctrl-N one, without losing any of the chars you already typed.
    Ctrl-F12 Selection dialog for members of the current class (methods, variables, etc.), where you can type the beginning of the name and quickly go to the right place in the source file.  No wildcards are supported.
    Nested tip: Click the checkbox in the dialog to cause it to narrow down the list of matches as you type (like the Ctrl-N dialog does).
    Ctrl-Shift-N Selection dialog for resources (config files, property files, etc.), where you can type the beginning of the short file name (w/o folder names) and quickly go to the right source file.  Wildcard * (any sequence of chars) is supported.
    Nested tip: Click the checkbox in the dialog to include Java source files too.  They are omitted by default.
    Nested tip: Type * to see a complete list, since it doesn't show anything until you start typing.
    Nested tip: Hit Ctrl-N, or Ctrl-Alt-Shift-N while typing to convert to those searches instead of the Ctrl-Shift-N one, without losing any of the chars you already typed.
    Ctrl-Alt-Shift-N Selection dialog for symbols (classes, methods, variables, etc.), where you can type the beginning of the short name (class w/o package, method or variable w/o class name, etc) and quickly go to the right place in the right source file.
    Nested tip: Click the checkbox in the dialog to see symbols in library classes too.
    Nested tip: Hit Ctrl-N, or Ctrl-Shift-N while typing to convert to those searches instead of the Ctrl-Alt-Shift-N one, without losing any of the chars you already typed.
    Ctrl-H Show class hierarchy of current class.
    Ctrl-Shift-H Show class hierarchy of current method.
    Ctrl-Space Code Completion
    • Code completion, name completion, etc.
    • Does lots of useful completions in different contexts.  Try it!
    Ctrl-Alt-Space Class name completion (adding import if missing)
    Ctrl-P Parameter Hints
    Ctrl-Q Show Quick Javadoc
    Shift-F1 Show Javadoc in a separate browser window
    Ctrl-Z Undo
    Ctrl-Shift-Z Redo
    Alt-Q Show current context (method, class, etc.)
    Ctrl-Alt-Backspace Go back (through recent editing locations)
    Ctrl-Alt-Left Go back (through recent editing locations)
    Ctrl-Alt-Right Go forward (through recent editing locations)
    Ctrl-Shift-Backspace Go to most recently edited location
    Ctrl-F4 Close editor window
    Alt-Right Go to next editor window in current tab set
    Alt-Left Go to previous editor window in current tab set
    Ctrl-] Go forward to matching bracket
    Ctrl-[ Go backward to matching bracket
    Alt-Down Go to next object (method, class, etc.) in source file.
    Alt-Up Go to previous object (method, class, etc.) in source file.
    Ctrl-G Go to line number
    Ctrl-Shift-n Toggle bookmark n
    Ctrl-n Go to bookmark n
    F11 Toggle bookmark
    Shift-F11 Show bookmarks (and go to them, delete them, etc.)
    Ctrl-F Search within a file
    F3 Search Next within a file
    Shift-F3 Search Previous within a file
    Ctrl-Shift-F Search in project, workspace, file system, etc.  
    Ctrl-Shift-S Search structurally (based on Java syntax) 
    Alt-F3 Incremental Search forward
    F2 Goto Next Error
    Ctrl-F7 Find all occurrences in file (step through them with F3)
    Alt-F7 Find all references in workspace (showing them in Search pane)
    Ctrl-Alt-H Show call hierarchy
    Ctrl-Slash Comment
    Tab Indent
    Shift-Tab Undent
    Alt-Shift-Insert Toggle rectangular mode for cut/paste/copy
    Ctrl-F9 Build
    Ctrl-Shift-F9 Compile current file
    Alt-F8 Evaluate expression (like VB Immediate window)
    Shift-F6 Rename item (method, field, variable, parameter, type, compilation unit, package, source folder, project)

    This list is far from complete.  Please feel free to mail me your favorite shortcuts.  I'll add to this list as time permits.


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