#!/bin/csh -f # reviewall # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Shell script to review files that have changed before doing a backup. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Revision History: # $Log$ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($1 == "-h" || $1 == "--help") then echo "Usage: $0:t" exit 1 endif review1 ~/fred/admin/ ~/fred/admin.old admin files review1 ~/fred/macbin/ ~/fred/macbin.old Mac bin files review1 ~/fred/bin/ ~/fred/bin.old Unix bin files review1 ~/fred/bat/ ~/fred/bat.old Windows bat files review1 ~/fred/ntbin/ ~/fred/ntbin.old Windows ntbin files review1 ~/fred/website/ ~/fred/website.old web pages # Backup the Thunderbird address book and update my mailing lists from it. # Review Firefox prefs.js file first, since is similar to tbird prefs.js # and easier to review together. review1 ~/fred/Mozilla/Firefox/profile/prefs.js ~/fred/Mozilla/Firefox.old/profile/prefs.js Firefox prefs.js updlists review1 ~/fred/Mozilla/Firefox/profile/ ~/fred/Mozilla/Firefox.old/profile All Firefox config files echo "Deleting Firefox.old cache..." rm -v ~/fred/Mozilla/Firefox.old/profile/Cache/* echo "...Deleting Firefox.old cache" echo "Deleting Firefox.old bookmarkbackups..." rm -v ~/fred/Mozilla/Firefox.old/profile/bookmarkbackups/* echo "...Deleting Firefox.old bookmarkbackups" review1 ~/fred/Mozilla/TBird/profile/ ~/fred/Mozilla/TBird.old/profile All TBird files echo "Deleting TBird.old *.msf files..." find ~/fred/Mozilla/TBird.old/Profile/Mail -name "*.msf" -exec rm -v "{}" ";" echo "...Deleting TBird.old *.msf files" review1 ~/fred/family/ ~/fred/family.old family files review1 ~/fred/bristle/ ~/fred/bristle.old Bristle files review1 /usr/local/tomcat/conf/ ~/fred/Apache/Tomcat/conf Tomcat config files echo "Copying Library Preferences..." rsyncupdate --del ~/Library/Preferences/ ~/fred/mac/fred/Library/Preferences rsyncupdate --del ~/Library/Preferences/ ~/fred/mac/Library/Preferences echo "...Copying Library Preferences"