Click one of the calculator link to activate a calculator, click the link again to deactivate the calculator.   Click the ? to get help information for the active calculator, click it again to turn the help information back off.

Mulch Calculator: converts volume of mulch to/from the area to be mulched & depth of the mulch layer
Slope Calculator: converts % slope to/from distance & change in elevation
Spacing Calculator: converts number of plants to/from area to be planted & on center spacing required
Gravel Calculator: converts volume of gravel to/from weight

Global Settings & Options

Units: Selects the default units for all calculators: metric or feet & inches.
Precision: Selects how many decimal places are displayed.   Calculations are performed to full precision then rounded off to the selected number of decimal places.
ShowInput: Displays the input to each field in the selected units
ShowMath: Displays the math for the calculation

The Slope Calculator uses the formula:

Slope = Rise / Run


Rise = change in elevation
Run = distance over which the change in elevation occurs
Slope = ratio of Rise to Run (may be expressed as a percent)

Enter values into any two fields to calculate the third.   Input can be in the form 2'3", 3m, 5yd, 3%, etc.   If no units are entered the field units are used.   Calculated results are shown in blue.

Slope input values of 0.4 and above are assumed to be a percent slope.   Slope input values less than .4 are assumed to be the ratio of rise to run.   Enter a % to force a value under 0.4 to be treated as a percent, (eg 0.4%) .

Click the padlocks to lock and unlock each field.   A locked field will not be recalculated, but will accept input.   Up to two fields may to be locked at a time.

The Mulch Calculator uses the formula:

Volume = Area * Depth


Volume = number of cubic yards (or meters) of mulch
Area = number of sq ft (or meters) to mulch
Depth = thickness of the mulch layer

Enter values into any two fields to calculate the third.   Input can be in the form 3cu m, 25sf, 4", 10cm, etc.   If no units are entered the field units are assumed.   Calculated results are shown in blue.  

Area and Volume fields allow you to enter the dimensions of the area or volume.   Input must begin with the letter D, followed by each dimension separated by an x.   For example:  d 10ft x 25yd x 3ft.   If the units are omitted feet (or meters) are assumed.

Click the padlocks to lock and unlock each field.   A locked field will not be recalculated, but will accept input.   Up to two fields may to be locked at a time.

The Plant Spacing Calculator uses the formula:

# Plants = Area/Spacing2


# Plants = number of plants required
Area = number of sq ft (or meters) to be planted
Spacing = distance between plants

Enter values into any two fields to calculate the third.   Input can be in the form 15sf, 3m2, 18", 30cm, etc.   If no units are entered the field units are assumed.   Calculated results are shown in blue.

The Area field allows you to enter the dimensions of the space.   Input must begin with the letter D, followed by each dimension separated by an x.   For example:  d 10yd x 6ft.    If the units are omitted feet (or meters) are assumed.

Click the padlocks to lock and unlock each field.   A locked field will not be recalculated, but will accept input.   Up to two fields may to be locked at a time.

The Gravel Calculator uses the formula:

Volume = Weight * CF


Volume = number of cubic yards (or meters) of gravel
Weight = how much the gravel weighs
CF = a conversion factor, its value depends on the gravel type

Enter a value into either the volume or the weight field to calculate the other.   Input can be in the form 2cu yd, 12m3, 5tons, etc.   In this mode, if units are omitted feet (or meters) are assumed.   Calculated results are shown in blue.

The Volume field allows you to enter the dimensions of the volume.   Input must begin with the letter D, followed by each dimension separated by an x.   For example:  d 1yd x 54sf.   If the units are omitted feet (or meters) are assumed.

Use the Type box to choose the description that best matches the characteristics of your gravel.   Select 'Rule of Thumb' to use a generic conversion factor of 1.5 tons per cubic yard (1.78 tonnes per cubic meter).

The conversion factor values are derived from the Reade Advanced Materials weight per cubic foot table.

Welcome to LA Calc

Click one of the calculator links to activate a calculator, click the link again to turn off the calculator.

Click the ? to get help information about the active calculator, click the ? again to turn the help information off.


Slope Calculator

Rise ft. unlocked.gif invalid
Run ft. unlocked.gif invalid
Slope   unlocked.gif invalid
Calculation Inputs Calculation Formula Calculation Math


Mulch Calculator

Volume cu. yd. unlocked.gif invalid
Area sq. ft. unlocked.gif invalid
Depth in. unlocked.gif invalid
Calculation Inputs Calculation Formula Calculation Math


Gravel Calculator

Volume cu. yd. invalid
Weight tons invalid
Unused None unlocked.gif invalid
Calculation Inputs Calculation Formula Calculation Math


Spacing Calculator

#Plants   unlocked.gif invalid
Area sq. ft. unlocked.gif invalid
Spacing  inches o.c. unlocked.gif invalid
Calculation Inputs Calculation Formula Calculation Math

Version 2.0.2 102

last updated 07/04/14