See also: In most (all?) cases, Ctrl on Windows and Cmd on Mac do the same thing. While composing: Alt-E,O = Edit | Paste w/o formatting Cmd-Shift-V = Paste w/o formatting Alt-E,Q = Edit | Paste As Quotation Cmd-Shift-O = Paste As Quotation Ctrl-Shift-Y = Remove all Text Styles Ctrl-T = Fixed width font Ctrl-Plus/Minus = Larger/smaller font Ctrl-Z/Y = Undo/redo Ctrl-S = Save as Draft Ctrl-K = Check spelling Ctrl-Enter = Send Now Cmd-Enter = Send Now Cmd-Shift-Enter = Send Later - Saved in Local Folders | Outbox for now. - Not scheduled. You get prompted to send them all each time you go online. Sent with the compose timestamp, not the send timestamp. See menu tree for more. - While looking at message lists (subject, date, sender, etc.) - Click column header to sort, then hit "g" to group by sorted column (or View | Sort by | Grouped By Sort) - For more info, see: * = Expand all conversation threads / = Collapse all conversation threads \ = Collapse all conversation threads (Mac) \ = Scroll currently selected message into view, center it on the screen m = Toggle unread s = Toggle star w = Toggle watch for entire conversation thread, including newly arriving messages in the thread. g = group by sorted column F8 = Hide/show message pane Cmd-F = Search text of this message Cmd-Shift-K = Search messages in this folder (Quick Filter) Cmd-Shift-F = Advanced Search messages in specified folder or tree Cmd-K = Search messages, address book, mailing lists, etc. Cmd-Shift-o = Open current message in Conversation View (pulling messages from all folders into a new tab showing the entire conversation) Cmd-1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9 = Go to tab 1-9, un-minimizing if necessary Cmd-Opt-Left/Right = Move to prev/next tab Opt-Left/Right = Move to prev/next subfolder in current tab [ = Go back to previously viewed message in whatever folder it's in ] = Go forward -- undo most recent "]" (multi-level) Cmd-Plus/Minus/0 = Zoom/unzoom/reset text size Drag = Move message to new folder Opt-Drag = Copy message to new folder Cmd-Opt-M = Move/copy another message to same folder Ctrl-Z/Y = Undo/redo the move/copy - While looking at message list or a single message: f = Move forward to next message b = Move backward to previous message n = Move to next unread message in this or other subfolder p = Move to previous unread message in this or other subfolder t - Move to next unread thread Ctrl-U = View Message Source (to see all routing info, etc.) Cmd-U = View Message Source (to see all routing info, etc.) Cmd-R = Reply - Starts reply with selected text or whole message Cmd-Shift-R = Reply-All - Starts reply with selected text or whole message Cmd-L = Forward Cmd-E = Edit message (to send to same or different person) - Any time: F5 = Get new messages for this account Shift-F5 = Get new messages for all accounts Shift-F4 = Open a JavaScript Scratchpad - QuickFolders add-on: -------------------- Opt-1-9 = Jump to numbered tab Opt-Left/Right = Move to next/prev tab (when on a folder with a tab) Opt-Left/Right = Cycle though sibling folders (for folders w/o a tab) Opt-Up = Move to parent folder Opt-Down = Open the dropdown menu for a tab Drag folder to QuickFolders toolbar to create tab Drag to re-order tabs Drag messages to tab to move them to folder Opt-Drag messages to tab to copy them to folder Drag messages to cascaded subfolder of tab Drag messages to quickMove icon to move to a folder Drag a folder from a cascaded tab submenu to toolbar to create tab On "Current Folder Tools" toolbar, drag Envelope icon to Recent Folders icon to drop down list of folders and keep dragging to that folder -- moves all currently selected emails to that folder - QuickFolders Pro add-on: ------------------------ Shift-J = Jump to folder - (See options below) Shift-M = Move selected messages to folder - (See options below) Shift-T = Copy selected messages to folder - (See options below) Options after Shift-J/M/T: - Type substring of folder leaf name to autocomplete - Type long path via prefix "/" prefix "/" prefix, etc. - "/" also offers chance to create new subfolder - Esc to cancel - Right-Click QuickMove icon (left of the QuickMove text box) for options to cancel or jump to a folder instead. And to see a list of messages queued to be moved, where you can click to see any message in detail Shift-S - Skip past this unread folder to next unread folder - Thunderbird RSS feeds --------------------- - Instructions: - File | New | Feed Account... - Name: RSS (was "Blogs & News Feeds") - Tools | Account Settings | RSS - Local Directory: /Users/fred/fred/Mozilla/TBird/Profile/Mail/Feeds (unchanged) - no = Check for articles every 100 minutes (was yes) - Manage Subscriptions... - Feed URL = (Copied URL from RSS icon at: - Add - Disk space | yes = Don't delete any messages (was yes) - Message | When Opening Feed Messages = Open as Web Page (unchanged) - This causes preview pane to show the article summary, but hitting Enter to open the article as the full web page - Other choices: - Open as summary Causes hitting Enter to open as sumamry like preview pane does - Toggle Web Page and Summary in Message Pane Causes hitting Enter to toggle message pane to show summary or full - Configurable via Config Editor: Action on double click or enter in threadpane for a feed message: 0 - open web page in new window 1 - open summary in new window 2 - toggle load summary and web page in message pane 3 - load web page in browser - View | Feed Message Body As = Summary (unchanged) - Also (applies only to Summary) - yes = Original HTML (was yes) - no = Simple HTML (was no) - no = Plain Text (was no) - Other choices: - Web page - Default Format - Usage tips: - Click URL next to "Website:" to see website - Configurable via Config Editor: rss.message.loadWebPageOnSelect Additional action on feed message select: 0 - no action 1 - load web page in default browser - Can have multiple RSS "accounts", each containing a tree of folders, each containing multiple RSS "feeds". Multiple accounts are less useful now that individual feed update intervals are supported. - Can change summary/full options for each RSS folder (containing one or more feeds): - Tools | Account Settings | RSS | | Manage Subscriptions... - yes = Show the article summary instead of loading the web page - Can override for specific feeds in folder: - Select a message | View | Feed Message Body As: - Default Format (folder setting above) - Summary - Web Page - Can change default for all new feeds in "RSS" or any other feed account: - Tools | Account Settings | : yes = By default, show the article summary instead of loading the web page box - Moving or removing a feed subscription from a folder does not delete or affect already downloaded articles, but the currently active items list is cleaned up, so resubscribing will re-download. - Deleting a folder or moving it to trash automatically unsubscribes all feeds from the folder. - Pause/unpause feeds, folders or accounts via "Check for new articles" checkbox. Greyed out. Can still explicitly click "Get Messages". - Autotagging features via publishers tags - Can import/export RSS feed subscriptions - To filter messages by website, create a "Custom header" named Content-Base (message's website link) in filter dialog box. - Supports message threading if used in Atom feed - Config Editor: - rss.max_concurrent_feeds = 25 (default) to throttle bandwidth - Trouble-shooting a failing feed (server not reachable, feed file not found, certificate error, etc.): - Tools | Account Settings | RSS | | Manage Subscriptions... | | | Verify - Logging: - Tools | Developer Tools | Error Console: - Feeds.logging.console = debug or trace - Restart TBird --Fred 4/11/2007 --Fred 5/24/2007 --Fred 1/20/2008 --Fred 10/23/2009 --Fred 12/9/2009 --Fred 1/2/2013 --Fred 3/19/2015 --Fred 9/28/2018 --Fred 10/30/2018 --Fred 12/24/2018 --Fred 5/4/2020 --Fred 5/26/2020 --Fred 6/9/2020 --Fred 6/15/2020 --Fred 1/7/2021 --Fred 2/26/2021 --Fred 3/22/2022