Intro to Cloud Computing

Fred Stluka
Bristle Software, Inc.
May 23, 2021 / CC BY 2.0 / CC BY 2.0
Bristle Software Cloud Computing

Who is Fred Stluka?

  • Founder/CEO of Bristle Software, Inc.
  • Python/Web/Ajax/Java/DB programmer
    • Currently using Python/Django, jQuery, MySQL, etc.
  • Agile
    • Agile/Lean software development
    • Agile (bite-sized) learning
Bristle Software Cloud Computing

Who uses Cloud Computing?

Bristle Software Cloud Computing

What is Cloud Computing?

Bristle Software Cloud Computing

Why Cloud Computing? (1/3)

Bristle Software Cloud Computing

Why Cloud Computing? (2/3)

Bristle Software Cloud Computing

Why Cloud Computing? (3/3)

Bristle Software Cloud Computing

Why NOT Cloud Computing? / CC BY-ND 2.0
Bristle Software Cloud Computing

Why NOT Cloud Computing?

Bristle Software Cloud Computing

Where is Cloud Computing? (1/4)

Bristle Software Cloud Computing

Where is Cloud Computing? (2/4)

Bristle Software Cloud Computing

Where is Cloud Computing? (3/4)

Bristle Software Cloud Computing

Where is Cloud Computing? (4/4)

Bristle Software Cloud Computing

How to do Cloud Computing?

Bristle Software Cloud Computing

SaaS -- Software as a Service

Bristle Software Cloud Computing

DaaS -- Desktop as a Service (1/2)

Bristle Software Cloud Computing

DaaS -- Desktop as a Service (2/2)

Bristle Software Cloud Computing

PaaS -- Platform as a Service

Bristle Software Cloud Computing

IaaS -- Infrastructure as a Service (1/2)

Bristle Software Cloud Computing

IaaS -- Infrastructure as a Service (2/2)

Bristle Software Cloud Computing

Other Services

Bristle Software Cloud Computing


Bristle Software Cloud Computing

IaaS Use Cases

Bristle Software Cloud Computing

New Possibilities (1/6)

Bristle Software Cloud Computing

New Possibilities (2/6)

Bristle Software Cloud Computing

New Possibilities (3/6)

Bristle Software Cloud Computing

New Possibilities (4/6)

Bristle Software Cloud Computing

New Possibilities (5/6)

Bristle Software Cloud Computing

New Possibilities (6/6)

Bristle Software Cloud Computing

AWS -- Amazon Web Services

Bristle Software Cloud Computing

Getting Started at AWS EC2

Bristle Software Cloud Computing
