addTarget(Logger.LoggerTarget) - Method in class Logger
Add to the list of LoggerTargets to which logging is done.
appendToFile(String, String) - Static method in class FileUtil
Append the specified string to the specified file, opening and closing the file to do so.


Base64 - class Base64.
This class contains support for Base64 encoding and decoding.
Base64.InvalidBase64DigitFound - exception Base64.InvalidBase64DigitFound.
This exception is thrown when an invalid character is found as a digit in a Base64 encoded string that is being decoded.
Base64.InvalidBase64DigitFound(String) - Constructor for class Base64.InvalidBase64DigitFound
Base64.Tester - class Base64.Tester.
Each class contains a Tester inner class with a main() for easier unit testing.
Base64.Tester() - Constructor for class Base64.Tester
Base64.TruncatedBase64EncodingFound - exception Base64.TruncatedBase64EncodingFound.
This exception is thrown when a Base64 encoded string that is being decoded has an invalid length, or has a trailing Base64 digit that implies that there should be more digits.
Base64.TruncatedBase64EncodingFound(String) - Constructor for class Base64.TruncatedBase64EncodingFound
Base64() - Constructor for class Base64


connect(String, String, String) - Method in class Ftp
Connect to the FTP server and login.


decode(String) - Static method in class Base64
Return the decoded string value of the specified Base64 encoded string.
disconnect() - Method in class Ftp
Disconnect from the FTP server.


encode(String) - Static method in class Base64
Return the Base64 encoded string value of the specified string.
ExcUtil - class ExcUtil.
This class contains utility routines for manipulating Java Exceptions, Errors and Throwables.
ExcUtil.Tester - class ExcUtil.Tester.
Each class contains a Tester inner class with a main() for easier unit testing.
ExcUtil.Tester() - Constructor for class ExcUtil.Tester
ExcUtil() - Constructor for class ExcUtil


FileUtil - class FileUtil.
This class contains utility routines for manipulating files.
FileUtil.Tester - class FileUtil.Tester.
Each class contains a Tester inner class with a main() for easier unit testing.
FileUtil.Tester() - Constructor for class FileUtil.Tester
FileUtil() - Constructor for class FileUtil
Ftp - class Ftp.
This class supports the ability to transfer files via FTP.
Ftp.FtpException - exception Ftp.FtpException.
This exception is thrown when something goes wrong during the FTP transfer.
Ftp.FtpException(String) - Constructor for class Ftp.FtpException
Ftp.Tester - class Ftp.Tester.
Each class contains a Tester inner class with a main() for easier unit testing.
Ftp.Tester() - Constructor for class Ftp.Tester
Ftp() - Constructor for class Ftp


getFilename() - Method in class Logger.FilenameLoggerTarget
Get the filename that messages are currently being logged to.
getFormattedLogLine() - Method in class Logger.Entry
getLevel() - Method in class Logger.Entry
getLogLevel() - Method in class Logger
Get the log level.
getMsg() - Method in class Logger.Entry
getStackTrace(Throwable) - Static method in class ExcUtil
Return the stack trace of the specified Throwable as a String.
getTextFileContents(String) - Static method in class FileUtil
Returns the contents of the requested text file as a string.
getThreadName() - Method in class Logger.Entry
getTime() - Method in class Logger.Entry
getTotalMem() - Method in class Logger.Entry
getUsedMem() - Method in class Logger.Entry
getUsername() - Method in class Logger
Get the username.
getUsername() - Method in class Logger.Entry
getWriter() - Method in class Logger.WriterLoggerTarget
Get the Writer that messages are currently being logged to.


insertAfterDelimiters(String, char, String) - Static method in class StrUtil
Return a string that is a copy of strString with strInsert inserted after each occurrence of chDelim.
insertCommas(String) - Static method in class StrUtil
Returns the specified string with commas inserted every 3 chars counting from the right -- the traditional formatting of a large number, broken into ones, thousands, millions, etc.


left(String, int) - Static method in class StrUtil
Returns a string containing the specified number of chars copied from the beginning of a string, or less if the specified string is too short.
log(int, String) - Method in class Logger
Log a message to the various LoggerTargets.
log(Logger.Entry) - Method in interface Logger.LoggerTarget
Log the log entry.
log(Logger.Entry) - Method in class Logger.FilenameLoggerTarget
Log the log entry to the file.
log(Logger.Entry) - Method in class Logger.WriterLoggerTarget
Log the log entry to the Writer.
logErrorSafely(Logger, int, String, Throwable) - Static method in class Logger
Log an error message, suppressing all possible errors, even the error of passing a null value for logger.
Logger - class Logger.
This class handles logging of messages to one or more Logger.LoggerTargets (XML DOM, file, Writer, ServletContext, etc.)
Logger.Entry - class Logger.Entry.
This class represents a log entry that can be sent by a Logger to a LoggerTarget.
Logger.Entry(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class Logger.Entry
Logger.FilenameLoggerTarget - class Logger.FilenameLoggerTarget.
This class implements the LoggerTarget interface, writing log entries to a named text file.
Logger.FilenameLoggerTarget(String) - Constructor for class Logger.FilenameLoggerTarget
Logger.LoggerTarget - interface Logger.LoggerTarget.
This interface must be implemented by any class that expects to be called by the Logger class to log entries to a target (XML DOM, file, Writer, ServletContext, etc.)
Logger.Tester - class Logger.Tester.
Each class contains a Tester inner class with a main() for easier unit testing.
Logger.Tester() - Constructor for class Logger.Tester
Logger.WriterLoggerTarget - class Logger.WriterLoggerTarget.
This class implements the LoggerTarget interface, writing log entries to a Writer.
Logger.WriterLoggerTarget(Writer) - Constructor for class Logger.WriterLoggerTarget
Logger() - Constructor for class Logger
logSafely(Logger, int, String) - Static method in class Logger
Log a message, suppressing all possible errors, even the error of passing a null value for logger.
lpad(String, char, int) - Static method in class StrUtil
Left pad a string.


main(String[]) - Static method in class Base64.Tester
Main testing method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class ExcUtil.Tester
Main testing method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class FileUtil.Tester
Main testing method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class Ftp.Tester
Main testing method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class Logger.Tester
Main testing method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class ReadURL
Main method, invoked from the command line.
main(String[]) - Static method in class StrUtil.Tester
Main testing method.
makeStringOfChars(char, int) - Static method in class StrUtil
Return a string containing intLength occurrences of the character chChar.


putAsciiFile(String, Reader) - Method in class Ftp
PUT an ASCII file to the FTP server.
putAsciiFile(String, String) - Method in class Ftp
PUT an ASCII file to the FTP server.


quoteDelimitedSubstrings(String, char, String) - Static method in class StrUtil
Return a string that is a copy of strString with strQuote inserted before and after each substring that is delimited by chDelim.


ReadURL - class ReadURL.
Read text from a URL and write it to standard output.
ReadURL() - Constructor for class ReadURL
replaceAll(String, String, String) - Static method in class StrUtil
Return a String that is a copy of strIn with all occurrences of strFrom replaced with strTo.
right(String, int) - Static method in class StrUtil
Returns a string containing the specified number of chars copied from the end of a string, or less if the specified string is too short.
rpad(String, char, int) - Static method in class StrUtil
Right pad a string.


setFilename(String) - Method in class Logger.FilenameLoggerTarget
Set the filename to write log entries to.
setLogLevel(int) - Method in class Logger
Set the log level.
setUsername(String) - Method in class Logger
Set the username to be recorded in log entries.
setWriter(Writer) - Method in class Logger.WriterLoggerTarget
Set the Writer to write log entries to.
StrUtil - class StrUtil.
This class contains utility routines for manipulating Java Strings.
StrUtil.Tester - class StrUtil.Tester.
Each class contains a Tester inner class with a main() for easier unit testing.
StrUtil.Tester() - Constructor for class StrUtil.Tester
StrUtil() - Constructor for class StrUtil