Class Logger

  extended by com.bristle.javalib.log.Logger

public class Logger
extends Object

This class handles logging of messages to one or more Logger.LoggerTargets (XML DOM, file, Writer, ServletContext, etc.)

   - The typical scenario for using this class is:

     - To log to an XML DOM:
           Logger logger = new Logger();
           logger.addTarget(new XMLDOMLoggerTarget(xmlDOM));
           logger.log(1, "Line of text to write to the log.");

     - To log to a file:
           Logger logger = new Logger();
           logger.addTarget(new Logger.FilenameLoggerTarget("/my/log/file"));
           logger.log(1, "Line of text to write to the log.");

     - To log to a Writer:
           Logger logger = new Logger();
           logger.addTarget(new Logger.WriterLoggerTarget(writer));
           logger.log(1, "Line of text to write to the log.");

     - To log to a ServletContext:
           Logger logger = new Logger();
           logger.addTarget(new ServletContextLoggerTarget(objServletContext));
           logger.log(1, "Line of text to write to the log.");

     - To log to multiple targets:
           Logger logger = new Logger();
           logger.addTarget(new XMLDOMLoggerTarget(xmlDOM));
           logger.addTarget(new XMLDOMLoggerTarget(xmlDOM2));
           logger.addTarget(new Logger.FilenameLoggerTarget("/my/log/file"));
           logger.addTarget(new Logger.FilenameLoggerTarget("/my/log/file2"));
           logger.addTarget(new Logger.WriterLoggerTarget(writer));
           logger.addTarget(new Logger.WriterLoggerTarget(writer2));
           logger.addTarget(new ServletContextLoggerTarget(objServletContext));
           logger.addTarget(new ServletContextLoggerTarget(objServletContext2));
           logger.log(1, "Line of text to write to the logs.");

     - To log to System.out:
           Logger logger = new Logger();
           logger.addTarget(new Logger.WriterLoggerTarget
                                       (new PrintWriter(System.out)));
           logger.log(1, "Line of text to write to the log.");

   - There is also support for logging in cases where no error can be 
     tolerated.  For example:

     - To log a message without risk of causing an error, even if the 
       local variable "logger" is null:
           Logger.logSafely(logger, 1, "Line of text to write to the log.");

     - To log an error message without risk of causing another error, even
       if the local variable "logger" is null:
           Logger.logErrorSafely(logger, 1, "An error occurred:", exception);

   - There is also support for using the Logger in cases where the code
     that sets up the Logger is not able to pass the Logger object to 
     other code that must use it.  The startup code sets the Logger's
     internal "singleton", which can be used by other parts of the code
     via the static methods of the Logger.  For example:

     - To set up the Logger's singleton, after configuring it in any of 
       the ways shown above:

     - To use the already configured singleton Logger to log a message: 
           Logger.logSafely(1, "Line of text to write to the log.");

     - To use the already configured singleton Logger to log an error message: 
           Logger.logErrorSafely(1, "An error occurred:", exception);

     - To modify the configuration of the singleton Logger:

   - See the source code of the inner Tester class for more examples.
Writes log entries to one or more LoggerTargets, typically in the format (all one one line): 2007/02/16 18:14:25.274 Fri MyApp v1.0 fred [Thread-12] 1171667665274 23510888 27770872 1 This is a sample log message. Where the parts are: <DateTime> is the current date and time on the server in format: yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS EEE For example: 2007/12/31 23:59:59.999 Mon <AppName> is the name of the application that called the logger. <AppVersion> is the version string of the application. <Username> is the name of the current user. <ThreadName> is the name of the current thread. <Millisecs> is the current time in milliseconds on the server. <UsedMem> is the current number of bytes of used memory in the JVM of the Web Server. <TotalMem> is the current number of bytes of total memory in the JVM of the Web Server. <Level> indicates the logging level of the message. Can be used as an indentation level to format the messages. <Msg> is the text of the message.
Anticipated Changes:
Implementation Notes:
Portability Issues:
Revision History:

See Also:
XMLDOMLoggerTarget, ServletContextLoggerTarget

Nested Class Summary
static class Logger.Entry
          This class represents a log entry that can be sent by a Logger to a LoggerTarget.
static class Logger.FilenameLoggerTarget
          This class implements the LoggerTarget interface, writing log entries to a named text file.
static interface Logger.LoggerTarget
          This interface must be implemented by any class that expects to be called by the Logger class to log entries to a target (XML DOM, file, Writer, ServletContext, etc.)
static class Logger.Tester
          Each class contains a Tester inner class with a main() for easier unit testing.
static class Logger.WriterLoggerTarget
          This class implements the LoggerTarget interface, writing log entries to a Writer.
Field Summary
private  ArrayList m_alTargets
private  int m_intLogLevel
private  String m_strAppName
private  String m_strAppVersion
private  String m_strUsername
private static Logger st_loggerSingleton
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addTarget(Logger.LoggerTarget target)
          Add to the list of LoggerTargets to which logging is done.
 String getAppName()
          Get the application name.
 String getAppVersion()
          Get the application version.
 int getLogLevel()
          Get the log level.
static Logger getSingleton()
          Get the singleton Logger, if any.
 String getUsername()
          Get the username.
 void log(int intLogLevel, String strMsg)
          Log a message to the various LoggerTargets.
static void logErrorSafely(int intLogLevel, String strMsg, Throwable e)
          Log an error message via the singleton Logger, suppressing all possible errors, even the error of having a null value for the singleton Logger.
static void logErrorSafely(Logger logger, int intLogLevel, String strMsg, Throwable e)
          Log an error message, suppressing all possible errors, even the error of passing a null value for logger.
static void logSafely(int intLogLevel, String strMsg)
          Log a message via the singleton Logger, suppressing all possible errors, even the error of having a null value for the singleton Logger.
static void logSafely(Logger logger, int intLogLevel, String strMsg)
          Log a message, suppressing all possible errors, even the error of passing a null value for logger.
 void setAppName(String strNew)
          Set the application name to be recorded in log entries.
 void setAppVersion(String strNew)
          Set the application version to be recorded in log entries.
 void setLogLevel(int intNew)
          Set the log level.
static void setSingleton(Logger logger)
          Set the singleton Logger.
 void setUsername(String strNew)
          Set the username to be recorded in log entries.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private static Logger st_loggerSingleton


private int m_intLogLevel


private String m_strAppName


private String m_strAppVersion


private String m_strUsername


private ArrayList m_alTargets
Constructor Detail


public Logger()
Method Detail


public void addTarget(Logger.LoggerTarget target)
Add to the list of LoggerTargets to which logging is done.

target - An additional LoggerTarget to log to.


public void setLogLevel(int intNew)
Set the log level. Each call to log() with a logLevel greater than this value will be ignored. Only calls with logLevel less than or equal to this value are logged. Default = 1.

intNew - The new log level.


public int getLogLevel()
Get the log level.

The log level.


public void setAppName(String strNew)
Set the application name to be recorded in log entries. Default = "".

strNew - The new application name.


public String getAppName()
Get the application name.

The application name.


public void setAppVersion(String strNew)
Set the application version to be recorded in log entries. Default = "".

strNew - The new application version.


public String getAppVersion()
Get the application version.

The application version.


public void setUsername(String strNew)
Set the username to be recorded in log entries. Default = current logged in username.

strNew - The new username.


public String getUsername()
Get the username.

The username.


public void log(int intLogLevel,
                String strMsg)
Log a message to the various LoggerTargets. Compares the specified log level with the current log level. Logs the message if the specified level is less than or equal to the current level.

intLogLevel - Level at which to log the message.
strMsg - String to write to the log entry.


public static void logSafely(Logger logger,
                             int intLogLevel,
                             String strMsg)
Log a message, suppressing all possible errors, even the error of passing a null value for logger. It is safe to call this method from an exception handler or finally clause without fear of throwing another exception.

logger - The Logger to pass the message to.
intLogLevel - Level at which to log the message.
strMsg - String to write to the log entry.


public static void logErrorSafely(Logger logger,
                                  int intLogLevel,
                                  String strMsg,
                                  Throwable e)
Log an error message, suppressing all possible errors, even the error of passing a null value for logger. It is safe to call this method from an exception handler or finally clause without fear of throwing another exception.

logger - The Logger to pass the message to.
intLogLevel - Level at which to log the message.
strMsg - String to write to the log entry.
e - Throwable to include in the message text, or null.


public static void setSingleton(Logger logger)
Set the singleton Logger.

logger - The Logger instance to be stored as the singleton.


public static Logger getSingleton()
Get the singleton Logger, if any.

The singleton Logger, or null.


public static void logSafely(int intLogLevel,
                             String strMsg)
Log a message via the singleton Logger, suppressing all possible errors, even the error of having a null value for the singleton Logger. It is safe to call this method from an exception handler or finally clause without fear of throwing another exception.

intLogLevel - Level at which to log the message.
strMsg - String to write to the log entry.


public static void logErrorSafely(int intLogLevel,
                                  String strMsg,
                                  Throwable e)
Log an error message via the singleton Logger, suppressing all possible errors, even the error of having a null value for the singleton Logger. It is safe to call this method from an exception handler or finally clause without fear of throwing another exception.

intLogLevel - Level at which to log the message.
strMsg - String to write to the log entry.
e - Throwable to include in the message text, or null.