Maximizing The Fred Factor

"Freds" are odd ducks.  See the definition of "The Fred Factor".

They're larger than life, unexpected, quirky, startlingly honest, open, sincere and helpful.

They love to do favors for people, and they thrive on appreciation.

They revel in doing goofy things like:

Extraordinary is fun.  Ordinary is boring.  Expected is downright tedious.

So how do you maximize the benefits of the "Fred Factor"?

And some counter-examples.  Here's how to minimize the benefit of the "Fred Factor", and eventually chase Fred away entirely:

If this inspires you, buy the book.  I bought a bunch of copies myself:

Personally, I aspire to always be a Fred, and I am supported in this by some of my favorite people in the whole world: Tom Brophy, George van Rossum, Carol Stluka and the entire Stluka clan, Mick Eng, Emily Webb, Sharon Flank, Erma Diaz, Steve Day, Lynne Samson, Gina McEwen, Orlando Rios, Bob Bonstingl, Mike McKeown, Sandra Stocker, Ginny Pyster, Dave Forbes, Gail Dichter, Aaron Temin, Michelle Bazie, Alex Yankelevich, Alex Kutovoy, Mike Hoffman, John Quillen, Tracey Welson-Rossman, Jim Blackwood, John Patriarca, Bob Durbin, Deb Coppage, Joyce Walsh, Donna Brophy, Bob Shank, and most of the van Rossum clan.

If you agree that I am a Fred, please endorse me at LinkedIn as having the skill "The Fred Factor":

Proud to be a Fred,
--Fred Stluka