generateUniqueId(Object) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.ObjUtil
Generate a unique id based on an Object and the current date and time.
get(Object) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.bean.MapBean
Calls Map.get(Object)
get(Object) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.jsp.InvokableMethodViaMap
Overridden methods to fake a Map with all possible keys valid.
getAborted() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.LoggerUtil
Get the aborted flag.
getAcronym() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.app.Application
Get the user-visible acronym of the application.
getAllDisplayDataTypeEnums() - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.ui.DisplayDataTypeEnum
Returns a collection of all DisplayDataTypeEnums, sorted by coded string getValue() values.
getAppName() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.Logger.Entry
getAppName() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.Logger
Get the application name.
getAppVersion() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.Logger.Entry
getAppVersion() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.Logger
Get the application version.
getAutoCommit() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.DummyConnection
getAvailableConnection(ConnectionPool.DBConfig) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPool
Get an existing connection from the pool, if any are available.
getAvailableConnectionCount() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPool
Get the count of available connections in the pool.
getAwtHeadless() - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.awt.ImgUtil
Return true if AWT is set to run in headless mode.
getBoolean() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.BooleanWrapper
Get the wrapped Boolean.
getboolean() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.BooleanWrapper
Get the wrapped Boolean.
getBytesWritten() - Method in exception com.bristle.javalib.io.FileUtil.TooManyBytesException
getCatalog() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.DummyConnection
getCategory() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.dictionary.AbstractDictionaryEntry
Get the category.
getCLASS_OF_OBJECTS() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.bristle.AbstractSecurableStandardTableBackedObject
getCLASS_OF_OBJECTS() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.bristle.AbstractStandardTableBackedObject
Get the special instance that indicates the class of objects instead of any one particular instance.
getCLASS_OF_OBJECTS() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.dictionary.AbstractDictionaryEntry
getClassId() - Method in interface com.bristle.javalib.security.Securable
Get the unique id of the class of objects
getClassId() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.security.SecurableObject
getClassId() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.bristle.AbstractSecurableStandardTableBackedObject
getClassId() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.bristle.AbstractStandardTableBackedObject
Get the id of the class of objects.
getClassId() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.dictionary.AbstractDictionaryEntry
getClassName(Object) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.ObjUtil
Return a string that is the class name of the specified object, or null if no object was specified.
getColumnOrEmptyString(ResultSet, String) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.JDBCUtil
Returns the specified column of the specified resultset, mapping null values to the empty string.
getCompanyAddress() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.app.Application
Get the company address.
getCompanyEMailAddress() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.app.Application
Get the company e-mail address.
getCompanyName() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.app.Application
Get the company name.
getCompanyPhoneNumber() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.app.Application
Get the company phone number.
getCompanyWebSiteURL() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.app.Application
Get the company web site URL.
getConfigFileName(HttpServletRequest, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.net.http.HttpUtil
Get the fully qualified filename of a config file.
getConfigFileName(HttpServletRequest, String, String) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.net.http.HttpUtil
Get the fully qualified filename of a config file.
getConnection(ConnectionPool.DBConfig) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPool
Get a connection from the pool.
getConnectionCount() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPool
Get the count of connections in the pool.
getConnectionTestString() - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPoolUtil
Get the connection test string.
getConnectionWithRetry(ConnectionPool.DBConfig, boolean) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPool
Get a connection from the pool, retrying if an error occurs.
getContainsKey(Object) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.bean.MapBean
Calls MapBean.containsKey(Object)
getContainsValue(Object) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.bean.MapBean
Calls MapBean.containsValue(Object)
getCookies(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.net.http.HttpUtil
Returns a GetOpt object that can be used to get the values of the HTTP cookies of the specified HttpServletRequest object.
getCreateDT() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.bristle.AbstractStandardTableBackedObject
Get the date and time at which it was created.
getCreateUser() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.bristle.AbstractStandardTableBackedObject
Get the username of the user who created it.
getCredentials(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.net.http.HttpUtil
Get the credentials of the current user from the HTTP client via the HTTP protocol.
getDataSource() - Method in interface com.bristle.javalib.security.Securable
Get the data source, typically a DB table name, of the object, for use in determining whether the current user has access to it.
getDataSource() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.security.SecurableObject
getDataSource() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.bristle.AbstractSecurableStandardTableBackedObject
getDataType() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.ui.PropertyDisplayData
Get the data type.
getDataTypeMessage() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.ui.PropertyDisplayData
Get the message to show a user if the value of the property has the wrong data type.
getDateTime() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.Logger.Entry
getDBPassword() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPool.ConnectionInfo
Get the DB Password.
getDBPassword() - Method in interface com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPool.DBConfig
Get the DB Password.
getDBPassword() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPool.SimpleDBConfig
Get the DB Password.
getDBURL() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPool.ConnectionInfo
Get the DB URL.
getDBURL() - Method in interface com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPool.DBConfig
Get the DB URL.
getDBURL() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPool.SimpleDBConfig
Get the DB URL.
getDBUsername() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPool.ConnectionInfo
Get the DB Username.
getDBUsername() - Method in interface com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPool.DBConfig
Get the DB Username.
getDBUsername() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPool.SimpleDBConfig
Get the DB Username.
getDefaultConnection() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPoolUtil
Get the default Connection.
getDefaultConnectionPool() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPoolUtil
Get the default ConnectionPool.
getDefaultDBConfig() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPoolUtil
Get the default DBConfig.
getDefaultLogger() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPoolUtil
Get the default Logger.
getDefaultNullClassId() - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.security.SecurableObject
Get the default value for NullClassId.
getDefaultNullClassId() - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.bristle.AbstractStandardTableBackedObject
Get the default the value that indicates a null id of the class of objects.
getDefaultNullId() - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.security.SecurableObject
Get the default value for NullId.
getDefaultNullId() - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.bristle.AbstractStandardTableBackedObject
Get the default for the value that indicates a null id.
getDefaultResultSetConcurrency() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPoolUtil
Get the default result set concurrency.
getDefaultResultSetType() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPoolUtil
Get the default result set type.
getDefinition() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.dictionary.AbstractDictionaryEntry
Get the definition.
getDescrip() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.app.Application
Get the description of the application, potentially multiple sentences.
getDescrip() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.ui.DisplayDataTypeEnum
A unique human-readable description of the DisplayDataTypeEnum.
getDisallowedChars() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.ui.PropertyDisplayData
Get the disallowed chars.
getDisallowedCharsMessage() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.ui.PropertyDisplayData
Get the message to show a user if the value of the property contains disallowed chars.
getDisplayData() - Method in interface com.bristle.javalib.ui.DisplayDataInterface
Get the display data.
getDisplayDataTypeEnum(String) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.ui.DisplayDataTypeEnum
Get a DisplayDataTypeEnum based on its coded string value.
getEntrySet() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.bean.MapBean
Calls MapBean.entrySet()
getFilename() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.Logger.FilenameLoggerTarget
Get the filename that messages are currently being logged to.
getFileNameWithoutPath(String) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.io.FileUtil
Return the simple name, including extension, but not path, of the specified filename.
getFirstChildElement(Node) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.xml.XMLUtil
Returns the first child Element of a Node, or null if no child Element found.
getFormattedLogLine(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.Logger.Entry
getFormattedLogLine() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.Logger.Entry
getFormattedStringOfParameters(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.net.http.HttpUtil
Return a formatted multi-line string containing all parameter names and values of the specified HttpServletRequest.
getFriendlyErrorMessage(String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.net.html.HtmlUtil
Get a friendly error message, formatted as HTML.
getFullName() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.app.Application
Get the full user-visible name of the application.
getFullRequestURI(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.net.http.HttpUtil
Return the full URI string, including URI parameters.
getFullRequestURL(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.net.http.HttpUtil
Return the full URL string, including URL parameters.
getHashCode() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.bean.MapBean
Calls MapBean.hashCode()
getHeaders(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.net.http.HttpUtil
Returns a GetOpt object that can be used to get the values of the HTTP headers of the specified HttpServletRequest object.
getHoldability() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.DummyConnection
getHttpUserAgentAbbrev(String) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.net.http.HttpUtil
Return a short human-readable abbreviation for the Web browser that is identified by the specified user agent string, which should be the full string value of the HTTP "user-agent" header from a common Web browser.
getId() - Method in interface com.bristle.javalib.security.Securable
Get the unique id
getId() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.security.SecurableObject
getId() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.bristle.AbstractStandardTableBackedObject
Get the id.
getIdentityTransformationStylesheetDocument() - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.xml.XSLUtil
Returns the identity transformation stylesheet as an XML Document.
getIdentityTransformationStylesheetString() - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.xml.XSLUtil
Returns the identity transformation stylesheet as a string of XSL.
getIdentityTransformationTemplateString() - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.xml.XSLUtil
Returns the identity transformation template as a string of XSL.
getIndex() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.io.FileTreeIterator
Get the value on the top of the stack of indexes.
getInfoAvailableToServlet(HttpServlet, HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.net.http.HttpUtil
Get an XML DOM document containing all information available to a servlet.
getInt() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.IntegerWrapper
Get the wrapped Integer.
getInteger() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.IntegerWrapper
Get the wrapped Integer.
getInternalCategory() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.dictionary.AbstractDictionaryEntry
Get the internal category.
getInternalName() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.app.Application
Get the internal name of the application, typically used in properties files and such, but not typically shown to the user.
getIntTextNodeValueViaXPath(Node, String) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.xml.XMLUtil
Get the int value of the text node that is embedded in the node that is located at the specified XPath from the specified node, defaulting to 0 if the text node has an empty value.
getIntValueFromDB(Connection, String, Logger, int, ConnectionPool, ConnectionPool.DBConfig) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPoolUtil
Connect to the database, get a single int value from the resultset returned by the specified SQL statement, and disconnect, returning the value.
getIntValueFromDB(String) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPoolUtil
Connect to the database, get a single int value from the resultset returned by the specified SQL statement, and disconnect, returning the value, using the default values for Connection, Logger, ConnectionPool, and DBConfig.
getIterator() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.bean.MapBean
Calls MapBean.iterator()
getKeySet() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.bean.MapBean
Calls MapBean.keySet()
getLargeImageFileName() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.app.Application
Get the filename of the large image (GIF, JPG, etc.) for the application.
getLevel() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.Logger.Entry
getLogger() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.LoggerUtil
Get the Logger.
getLogLevel() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.Logger
Get the log level.
getLogLevelOfOperation() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.LoggerUtil
Get the log level of the current operation.
getLogLevelOfOperation() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPoolUtil
Get the level of logging operations done by this class.
getLogLevelOfOperation() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.oracle.OracleConnectionPoolUtil
Get the level of logging operations done by this class.
getLongCopyright() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.app.Application
Get the long copyright of the application.
getMajorVersionNumber() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.app.Application
Get the major version number of the application.
getMap() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.bean.MapBean
Return the encapsulated Map.
getMaxIdleMillisecs() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPool
Get the max number of milliseconds a database connection will sit idle in the pool before being closed.
getMaxLength() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.ui.PropertyDisplayData
Get the max length.
getMaxLengthMessage() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.ui.PropertyDisplayData
Get the message to show a user if the value of the property is too long.
getMaxRandomInt() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.bean.MathBean
Get the max random int.
getMaxTimesToUse() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPool
Get the max number of times to use the connection before closing it and opening a new one.
getMaxValue() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.ui.PropertyDisplayData
Get the max value.
getMaxValueMessage() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.ui.PropertyDisplayData
Get the message to show a user if the value of the property is more than the max.
getMetaData() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.DummyConnection
getMillisecs() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.Logger.Entry
getMinDisplayLength() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.ui.PropertyDisplayData
Get the min display length.
getMinorVersionNumber() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.app.Application
Get the minor version number of the application.
getMinRandomInt() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.bean.MathBean
Get the min random int.
getMinValue() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.ui.PropertyDisplayData
Get the min value.
getMinValueMessage() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.ui.PropertyDisplayData
Get the message to show a user if the value of the property is less than the min.
getMsg() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.Logger.Entry
getName() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.ui.PropertyDisplayData
Get the name.
getNewLineString() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.xml.XMLWriter
Get the newline String.
getNextArgInteger(GetOpt.Required, GetOpt.DefaultInteger, GetOpt.MinInteger, GetOpt.MaxInteger) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt
Return the next argument from the previously specified option source, defaulting to the specified value.
getNextArgInteger(GetOpt.Required, GetOpt.DefaultInteger) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt
Return the next argument from the previously specified option source, defaulting to the specified value.
getNextArgInteger(GetOpt.Required) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt
Return the next argument from the previously specified option source, defaulting to null.
getNextArgInteger() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt
Return the next argument from the previously specified option source, defaulting to null.
getNextArgString(GetOpt.Required, GetOpt.DefaultString) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt
Return the next argument from the previously specified option source, defaulting to the specified value.
getNextArgString(GetOpt.Required) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt
Return the next argument from the previously specified option source, defaulting to null.
getNextArgString() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt
Return the next argument from the previously specified option source, defaulting to null.
getNotes() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.app.Application
Get the notes about the application.
getNotes() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.dictionary.AbstractDictionaryEntry
Get the notes.
getNullClassId() - Method in interface com.bristle.javalib.security.Securable
Get the value that indicates a null class id
getNullClassId() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.security.SecurableObject
getNullClassId() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.bristle.AbstractStandardTableBackedObject
Get the value that indicates a null id of the class of objects.
getNullId() - Method in interface com.bristle.javalib.security.Securable
Get the value that indicates a null id
getNullId() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.security.SecurableObject
getNullId() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.bristle.AbstractStandardTableBackedObject
Get the value that indicates a null id.
getOperationName() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.LoggerUtil
Get the name of the current operation.
GetOpt - Class in com.bristle.javalib.util
This class contains utility routines for extracting positional arguments and named options from any "option source" (the command line or any specified array, List, Iterator, Enumeration, Map, etc.).
GetOpt(String[]) - Constructor for class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt
GetOpt(List) - Constructor for class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt
GetOpt(Map) - Constructor for class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt
GetOpt.DefaultBoolean - Class in com.bristle.javalib.util
This class represents a default value for an Boolean.
GetOpt.DefaultBoolean(boolean) - Constructor for class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt.DefaultBoolean
GetOpt.DefaultBoolean(Boolean) - Constructor for class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt.DefaultBoolean
GetOpt.DefaultInteger - Class in com.bristle.javalib.util
This class represents a default value for an Integer.
GetOpt.DefaultInteger(int) - Constructor for class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt.DefaultInteger
GetOpt.DefaultInteger(Integer) - Constructor for class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt.DefaultInteger
GetOpt.DefaultString - Class in com.bristle.javalib.util
This class represents a default value for a String.
GetOpt.DefaultString(String) - Constructor for class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt.DefaultString
GetOpt.LessThanMinException - Exception in com.bristle.javalib.util
This exception is thrown when a numeric value is less than the specified minimum.
GetOpt.LessThanMinException(String) - Constructor for exception com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt.LessThanMinException
GetOpt.MaxInteger - Class in com.bristle.javalib.util
This class represents a maximum allowable value for an Integer.
GetOpt.MaxInteger(int) - Constructor for class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt.MaxInteger
GetOpt.MaxInteger(Integer) - Constructor for class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt.MaxInteger
GetOpt.MinInteger - Class in com.bristle.javalib.util
This class represents a minimum allowable value for an Integer.
GetOpt.MinInteger(int) - Constructor for class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt.MinInteger
GetOpt.MinInteger(Integer) - Constructor for class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt.MinInteger
GetOpt.MissingArgException - Exception in com.bristle.javalib.util
This exception is thrown when a required argument is missing or null.
GetOpt.MissingArgException(String) - Constructor for exception com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt.MissingArgException
GetOpt.MissingOptionException - Exception in com.bristle.javalib.util
This exception is thrown when a required option is missing.
GetOpt.MissingOptionException(String) - Constructor for exception com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt.MissingOptionException
GetOpt.MissingValueException - Exception in com.bristle.javalib.util
This exception is thrown when an option with a required value has a missing or null value.
GetOpt.MissingValueException(String) - Constructor for exception com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt.MissingValueException
GetOpt.MoreThanMaxException - Exception in com.bristle.javalib.util
This exception is thrown when a numeric value is more than the specified maximum.
GetOpt.MoreThanMaxException(String) - Constructor for exception com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt.MoreThanMaxException
GetOpt.NotAnIntegerException - Exception in com.bristle.javalib.util
This exception is thrown when a value required to be an integer was not.
GetOpt.NotAnIntegerException(String) - Constructor for exception com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt.NotAnIntegerException
GetOpt.Required - Class in com.bristle.javalib.util
This class represents a value that specifies whether arguments and options are required.
GetOpt.Required(boolean) - Constructor for class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt.Required
GetOpt.Required(Boolean) - Constructor for class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt.Required
GetOpt.Tester - Class in com.bristle.javalib.util
Each class contains a Tester inner class with a main() for easier unit testing.
GetOpt.Tester() - Constructor for class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt.Tester
GetOpt.ValueRequired - Class in com.bristle.javalib.util
This class represents a value that specifies whether options are required to have values.
GetOpt.ValueRequired(boolean) - Constructor for class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt.ValueRequired
GetOpt.ValueRequired(Boolean) - Constructor for class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt.ValueRequired
getOptionInteger(String, GetOpt.Required, GetOpt.ValueRequired, GetOpt.DefaultInteger, GetOpt.DefaultInteger, GetOpt.MinInteger, GetOpt.MaxInteger) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt
Return an Integer option from the previously specified option source.
getOptionInteger(String, GetOpt.Required, GetOpt.ValueRequired, GetOpt.DefaultInteger, GetOpt.DefaultInteger) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt
Return an Integer option from the previously specified option source.
getOptionInteger(String, GetOpt.Required, GetOpt.ValueRequired, GetOpt.DefaultInteger) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt
Return an Integer option from the previously specified option source.
getOptionInteger(String, GetOpt.Required, GetOpt.ValueRequired) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt
Return an Integer option from the previously specified option source, defaulting to null.
getOptionInteger(String) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt
Return an Integer option from the previously specified option source, defaulting to null.
getOptionPresent(String, GetOpt.Required, GetOpt.DefaultBoolean) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt
Return Boolean.TRUE if the specified option is present on the previously specified option source, blnDefault otherwise.
getOptionPresent(String, GetOpt.Required) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt
Return Boolean.TRUE if the specified option is present on the previously specified option source, null otherwise.
getOptionPresent(String) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt
Return Boolean.TRUE if the specified option is present on the previously specified option source, null otherwise.
getOptionString(String, GetOpt.Required, GetOpt.ValueRequired, GetOpt.DefaultString, GetOpt.DefaultString) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt
Return a String option from the previously specified option source.
getOptionString(String, GetOpt.Required, GetOpt.ValueRequired, GetOpt.DefaultString) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt
Return a String option from the previously specified option source.
getOptionString(String, GetOpt.Required, GetOpt.ValueRequired) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt
Return a String option from the previously specified option source, defaulting to null.
getOptionString(String) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.GetOpt
Return a String option from the previously specified option source, defaulting to null.
getOrAppendElement(Node, String) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.xml.XMLUtil
Get the child Element with the specified name.
getOrAppendElementAndSetTextNodeValue(Node, String, String) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.xml.XMLUtil
Get the child Element with the specified name.
getOwnerDocument(Node) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.xml.XMLUtil
Get the owner document of the specified node.
getPackageName(Object) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.ObjUtil
Return a string that is the package name of the specified object, with a trailing dot ("."), or the empty string if there is no package, or null if the specified object is null.
getParam(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.net.http.HttpUtil
Returns the value of the parameter with the specified name, getting it from the specified HttpServletRequest object, and mapping empty values to null.
getParam_int(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.net.http.HttpUtil
Returns the int value of the parameter with the specified name, getting it from the specified HttpServletRequest object.
getParam_int(HttpServletRequest, String, int) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.net.http.HttpUtil
Returns the int value of the parameter with the specified name, getting it from the specified HttpServletRequest object.
getParamInteger(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.net.http.HttpUtil
Returns the Integer value of the parameter with the specified name, getting it from the specified HttpServletRequest object, and mapping non-integer values to null.
getParamPresent(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.net.http.HttpUtil
Returns true if the parameter with the specified name is present in the HttpServletRequest object; false otherwise.
getParams(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.net.http.HttpUtil
Returns a GetOpt object that can be used to get the values of the HTTP parameters of the specified HttpServletRequest object.
getParamString(HttpServletRequest, String, String) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.net.http.HttpUtil
Returns the value of the parameter with the specified name, getting it from the specified HttpServletRequest object, and mapping empty values ("") and missing parameters (null) to the specified default.
getPreserveLoggerUsername() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.LoggerUtil
Get the PreserveLoggerUsername flag.
getPrompt() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.ui.PropertyDisplayData
Get the prompt.
getRandomInt() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.bean.MathBean
Get a random int.
getRandomInt(int, int) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.MathUtil
Return a random int between the specified min and max (inclusive).
getReadOnlyMessage() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.ui.PropertyDisplayData
Get the message to show a user if the readonly value of the property is changed.
getRequiredMessage() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.ui.PropertyDisplayData
Get the message to show a user if the value of the property is empty.
getResponse(String) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.net.ftp.Ftp
Throw an exception if the expected response didn't occur.
getResultSet(Connection, String, int, int, Logger, int, ConnectionPool, ConnectionPool.DBConfig) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPoolUtil
Connect to the database and get the data as a ResultSet with the specified type and concurrency.
getResultSet(String) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPoolUtil
Connect to the database and get the data using the default values for Connection, result set type, result set concurrency, Logger, ConnectionPool, and DBConfig.
getResultSetFromOracleFunction(Connection, String, Logger, int, ConnectionPool, ConnectionPool.DBConfig) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.oracle.OracleConnectionPoolUtil
Connect to the database and get the data as a readonly forward-only ResultSet by calling an Oracle stored function that returns a ResultSet.
getResultSetFromOracleFunction(String) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.oracle.OracleConnectionPoolUtil
Connect to the database and get the data as a readonly forward-only ResultSet by calling an Oracle stored function that returns a ResultSet, using the default values for Connection, Logger, ConnectionPool, and DBConfig.
getRevisionNumber() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.app.Application
Get the revision number of the application.
getRootElement(Document) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.xml.XMLUtil
Returns the root Element of a Document, or null if no root found.
getRowCount(ResultSet) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.JDBCUtil
Returns the number of rows in the specified resultset.
getScaledImage(Image, int, int, ImgUtil.ScaleAlgorithm) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.awt.ImgUtil
Returns a scaled copy of the specified Image.
getSecurableCLASS_OF_OBJECTS() - Method in interface com.bristle.javalib.security.Securable
getSecurableCLASS_OF_OBJECTS() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.security.SecurableObject
getSecurableCLASS_OF_OBJECTS() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.bristle.AbstractSecurableStandardTableBackedObject
getSecurableStandardTableBackedCLASS_OF_OBJECTS() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.bristle.AbstractSecurableStandardTableBackedObject
getServletAttribute(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.net.http.HttpUtil
Get the value of the specified attribute from the ServletContext (application context) of the servlet associated with the specified HttpServletRequest.
getServletContext() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.ServletContextLoggerTarget
Get the ServletContext that messages are currently being logged to.
getServletContext(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.net.http.HttpUtil
Get the ServletContext of the specified request.
getServletDirectory(ServletContext) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.net.http.HttpUtil
Get the full path of the directory associated with the specified ServletContext.
getServletDirectory(GenericServlet) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.net.http.HttpUtil
Get the full path of the directory where the specified servlet resides.
getServletDirectory(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.net.http.HttpUtil
Get the full path of the directory where the servlet associated with the specified request resides.
getSessionAttribute(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.net.http.HttpUtil
Get the value of the specified attribute from the Session associated with the specified HttpServletRequest.
getSessionAttribute_int(HttpServletRequest, String, int) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.net.http.HttpUtil
Get the int value of the specified attribute from the Session associated with the specified HttpServletRequest.
getShortClassName(Object) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.ObjUtil
Return a string that is the short class name of the specified object (the name without the package prefixes), or null if no object was specified.
getShortCopyright() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.app.Application
Get the short copyright of the application.
getShortName() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.app.Application
Get the short user-visible name of the application.
getShowDynamicFields() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.Logger.WriterLoggerTarget
Get the flag about whether to show dynamic fields, like memory sizes and time stamps.
getShowElapsedTime() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.LoggerUtil
Get the flag about whether to show elapsed time on logEnd() calls.
getSingleton() - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.Logger
Get the singleton Logger, if any.
getSingleton() - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPool
Get the singleton ConnectionPool, if any.
getSize() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.bean.MapBean
Calls MapBean.size()
getSmallImageFileName() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.app.Application
Get the filename of the small image (GIF, JPG, etc.) for the application.
getSortedNames(File) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.io.FileUtil
Returns a sorted array of Strings naming the files and directories in the specified directory.
getSortElementsTransformationStylesheetDocument(String, String, XSLUtil.SortDataType, XSLUtil.SortOrder, XSLUtil.SortCaseOrder) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.xml.XSLUtil
Returns a sort transformation stylesheet as an XML Document.
getSortElementsTransformationStylesheetString(String, String, XSLUtil.SortDataType, XSLUtil.SortOrder, XSLUtil.SortCaseOrder) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.xml.XSLUtil
Returns a sort transformation stylesheet as a string of XSL.
getSortElementsTransformationTemplateString(String, String, XSLUtil.SortDataType, XSLUtil.SortOrder, XSLUtil.SortCaseOrder) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.xml.XSLUtil
Returns a sortElements transformation template as a string of XSL.
getStackTrace(Throwable) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.ExcUtil
Return the stack trace of the specified Throwable as a String.
getStaticCLASS_OF_OBJECTS() - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.security.SecurableObject
Get the special instance that indicates the class of objects instead of any one particular instance, without requiring an instance to be created.
getStatus() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.bristle.AbstractStandardTableBackedObject
Get the status.
getString() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.StringWrapper
Get the wrapped String.
getStripCommentsTransformationStylesheetDocument() - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.xml.XSLUtil
Returns a "strip comments" transformation stylesheet as an XML Document.
getStripCommentsTransformationStylesheetString() - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.xml.XSLUtil
Returns a "strip comments" transformation stylesheet as a string of XSL.
getStripCommentsTransformationTemplateString() - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.xml.XSLUtil
Returns a "strip comments" transformation template as a string of XSL.
getSystemProperties() - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.xml.XMLUtil
Get an XML Document containing all Java system properties.
getTableName() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.bristle.AbstractSecurableStandardTableBackedObject
getTableName() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.bristle.AbstractStandardTableBackedObject
Get the name of the database table that holds the class of objects.
getTableName() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.dictionary.AbstractDictionaryEntry
getTerm() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.dictionary.AbstractDictionaryEntry
Get the term.
getTextFileContents(Reader) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.io.FileUtil
Returns the contents of the requested text file as a string.
getTextFileContents(InputStream) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.io.FileUtil
Returns the contents of the requested text file as a string.
getTextFileContents(String) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.io.FileUtil
Returns the contents of the requested text file as a string.
getTextFileContentsOrEmpty(Reader) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.io.FileUtil
Returns the contents of the requested text file as a string, or the empty String ("") if no such file exists or any other error occurs.
getTextFileContentsOrEmpty(InputStream) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.io.FileUtil
Returns the contents of the requested text file as a string, or the empty String ("") if no such file exists or any other error occurs.
getTextFileContentsOrEmpty(String) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.io.FileUtil
Returns the contents of the requested text file as a string, or the empty String ("") if no such file exists or any other error occurs.
getTextFileContentsOrNull(Reader) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.io.FileUtil
Returns the contents of the requested text file as a string, or null if no such file exists or any other error occurs.
getTextFileContentsOrNull(InputStream) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.io.FileUtil
Returns the contents of the requested text file as a string, or null if no such file exists or any other error occurs.
getTextFileContentsOrNull(String) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.io.FileUtil
Returns the contents of the requested text file as a string, or null if no such file exists or any other error occurs.
getTextNodeValueOrEmptyStringViaXPath(Node, String) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.xml.XMLUtil
Get the value of the text node that is embedded in the node that is located at the specified XPath from the specified node.
getTextNodeValueViaXPath(Node, String) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.xml.XMLUtil
Get the value of the text node that is embedded in the node that is located at the specified XPath from the specified node.
getThreadName() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.Logger.Entry
getToArray() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.bean.MapBean
Calls MapBean.toArray()
getToString() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.bean.MapBean
Calls MapBean.toString()
getTotalMem() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.Logger.Entry
getTransactionIsolation() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.DummyConnection
getTypeMap() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.DummyConnection
getUpdateDT() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.bristle.AbstractStandardTableBackedObject
Get the date and time at which it was last updated.
getUpdateUser() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.bristle.AbstractStandardTableBackedObject
Get the username of the user who last updated it.
getUsedMem() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.Logger.Entry
getUserAgent() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.LoggerUtil
Get the user agent.
getUserLocation() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.LoggerUtil
Get the user location.
getUsername() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.Logger.Entry
getUsername() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.Logger
Get the username.
getUsername() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.LoggerUtil
Get the username.
getUsername(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.net.http.HttpUtil
Get the uppercased username of the current user from the HTTP headers of the specified HTTP request.
getValue() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.ui.DisplayDataTypeEnum
The coded string value of the DisplayDataTypeEnum.
getValues() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.bean.MapBean
Calls MapBean.values()
getVersionString() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.app.Application
Get the user-visible version string of the application.
getWarnings() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.DummyConnection
getWriter() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.Logger.WriterLoggerTarget
Get the Writer that messages are currently being logged to.
getXMLAppNameTag() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.XMLDOMLoggerTarget
Get the XML tag used for "AppName" nodes.
getXMLAppVersionTag() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.XMLDOMLoggerTarget
Get the XML tag used for "AppVersion" nodes.
getXMLDateTimeTag() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.XMLDOMLoggerTarget
Get the XML tag used for "DateTime" nodes.
getXMLDOM() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.XMLDOMLoggerTarget
Get the XML DOM that messages are currently being logged to.
getXMLEntryTag() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.XMLDOMLoggerTarget
Get the XML tag used for "Entry" nodes.
getXMLLevelTag() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.XMLDOMLoggerTarget
Get the XML tag used for "Level" nodes.
getXMLMillisecsTag() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.XMLDOMLoggerTarget
Get the XML tag used for "Millisecs" nodes.
getXMLMsgTag() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.XMLDOMLoggerTarget
Get the XML tag used for "Msg" nodes.
getXMLRootTag() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.XMLDOMLoggerTarget
Get the XML root tag.
getXMLThreadNameTag() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.XMLDOMLoggerTarget
Get the XML tag used for "ThreadName" nodes.
getXMLTotalMemTag() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.XMLDOMLoggerTarget
Get the XML tag used for "TotalMem" nodes.
getXMLUsedMemTag() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.XMLDOMLoggerTarget
Get the XML tag used for "UsedMem" nodes.
getXMLUsernameTag() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.log.XMLDOMLoggerTarget
Get the XML tag used for "Username" nodes.