Class ConnectionPool

  extended by com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPool
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ConnectionPool
extends Object

This class encapsulates pools of database connections.

       - The typical scenario for using this class is:
         - Once, at startup:
             ConnectionPool pool = new ConnectionPool
         - At each point where a connection is needed.
             Connection conn = pool.getConnection(objConfig);
             ... Use the connection ...
         - If an error occurs while using the connection, you can advise 
           the connection pool to close the connection and stop pooling it.
             Connection conn = pool.getConnection(objConfig);
             ... Try to use the connection, but decide that there is 
                 something wrong with the connection, so you need a
                 different one ...
             pool.returnConnection(conn, true);
             Connection conn = pool.getConnection(objConfig);
             ... Use the connection ...

   - See the source code of the inner Tester class for more examples.
       - Creates and manages database connections.
Anticipated Changes:
       - Add code to close and remove connections that have been held for 
         too long.  Client must have forgotten to return them to the pool.
         Should close them to conserve resources.  Don't just return them 
         to the pool.  May not be a good idea to let other clients use 
         them since we're not positive the current client is done.
       - Add code to limit the number of concurrent connections.
       - Could be rewritten to require the caller to create a separate 
         connection pool for each set of credentials, by moving the 
         credentials from getConnection() to the constructor.  Advantages?
Implementation Notes:
Portability Issues:
Revision History:

Nested Class Summary
static interface ConnectionPool.DBConfig
          This interface must be implemented by any class that expects to serve as a DBConfig object for use with ConnectionPool.
static class ConnectionPool.SimpleDBConfig
          Sample class implementing the DBConfig interface.
static class ConnectionPool.Tester
          Each class contains a Tester inner class with a main() for easier unit testing.
Constructor Summary
ConnectionPool(String strDBDriverClassName)
ConnectionPool(String strDBDriverClassName, int intMaxTimesToUse)
Method Summary
 void clear()
          Clear all connections from the pool, closing them.
 void clearAvailable()
          Clear all available connections from the pool, closing them.
 void clearIdle()
          Clear all available connections that have been idle too long from the pool, closing them.
 int getAvailableConnectionCount()
          Get the count of available connections in the pool.
 Connection getConnection(ConnectionPool.DBConfig objConfig)
          Get a connection from the pool.
 int getConnectionCount()
          Get the count of connections in the pool.
 long getMaxIdleMillisecs()
          Get the max number of milliseconds a database connection will sit idle in the pool before being closed.
 int getMaxTimesToUse()
          Get the max number of times to use the connection before closing it and opening a new one.
static ConnectionPool getSingleton()
          Get the singleton ConnectionPool, if any.
 void returnConnection(Connection conn)
          Return a connection to the pool for reuse by others.
 void returnConnection(Connection conn, boolean blnClose)
          Return a connection to the pool, optionally closing it so it won't be used anymore.
 void setMaxIdleMillisecs(long lngVal)
          Set the max number of milliseconds a database connection will sit idle in the pool before being closed.
 void setMaxTimesToUse(int intVal)
          Set the max number of times to use the connection before closing it and opening a new one.
static void setSingleton(ConnectionPool pool)
          Set the singleton ConnectionPool.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ConnectionPool(String strDBDriverClassName)
               throws ClassNotFoundException,

strDBDriverClassName - Name of the database JDBC driver class. Example: "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
ClassNotFoundException - When driver class not installed.
InstantiationException - When driver class can't be instantiated.
IllegalAccessException - When driver class can't be accessed.


public ConnectionPool(String strDBDriverClassName,
                      int intMaxTimesToUse)
               throws ClassNotFoundException,

strDBDriverClassName - Name of the database JDBC driver class. Example: "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
intMaxTimesToUse - Max times to reuse connection before closing and opening a new one.
ClassNotFoundException - When driver class not installed.
InstantiationException - When driver class can't be instantiated.
IllegalAccessException - When driver class can't be accessed.
Method Detail


public void setMaxTimesToUse(int intVal)
Set the max number of times to use the connection before closing it and opening a new one. Actually, the number of times to give it to an application via getConnection() for potentially multiple uses and accept it back via returnConnection() before closing it and opening a new one. This is useful for keeping connections from getting too old in case they leak resources of some sort by being used, or somehow become stale. It also offers the application a way to force a peak number of connections to be released in a controlled way. Setting it low will force each connection to release itself after the next use. Then set it high again.

intVal - The new value.


public int getMaxTimesToUse()
Get the max number of times to use the connection before closing it and opening a new one. Actually, the number of times to give it to an application via getConnection() for potentially multiple uses and accept it back via returnConnection() before closing it and opening a new one.

The max number.


public void setMaxIdleMillisecs(long lngVal)
Set the max number of milliseconds a database connection will sit idle in the pool before being closed. This is especially useful with databases like MySQL that timeout idle connections after 8 hours, causing further attempts at using them to throw exceptions. Connections exceeding this idle time are closed and removed from the pool by a monitor thread. Connections dispensed to the application by getConnection() are not closed; only those returned to the pool by returnConnection(). The idle time for a connection is reset to zero milliseconds by returnConnection(). Note: The monitor thread runs no more than 10 times per max number of milliseconds, and never more than once per second, so connections may sit idle up to 1 second longer or even up to 10% longer than specified.

lngVal - The new value


public long getMaxIdleMillisecs()
Get the max number of milliseconds a database connection will sit idle in the pool before being closed.

The max number.


public Connection getConnection(ConnectionPool.DBConfig objConfig)
                         throws SQLException
Get a connection from the pool.

objConfig - Configuration data needed to connect to the database.
Database connection.
SQLException - When unable to connect to the database.


public void returnConnection(Connection conn,
                             boolean blnClose)
                      throws SQLException
Return a connection to the pool, optionally closing it so it won't be used anymore.

conn - Connection to return.
blnClose - Boolean flag indicating whether to close the connection.
SQLException - When unable to rollback the returned connection.


public void returnConnection(Connection conn)
                      throws SQLException
Return a connection to the pool for reuse by others.

conn - Connection to return.
SQLException - When unable to rollback the returned connection.


public void clearAvailable()
Clear all available connections from the pool, closing them.


public void clearIdle()
Clear all available connections that have been idle too long from the pool, closing them.


public void clear()
Clear all connections from the pool, closing them.
      Dangerous.  Closes all database connections in the entire pool
      regardless of whether they are currently allocated by a client.
      Use clearAvailable() instead when appropriate.


public int getConnectionCount()
Get the count of connections in the pool.

Count of connections.


public int getAvailableConnectionCount()
Get the count of available connections in the pool.

Count of available connections.


public static void setSingleton(ConnectionPool pool)
Set the singleton ConnectionPool.

pool - The ConnectionPool instance to be stored as the singleton.


public static ConnectionPool getSingleton()
Get the singleton ConnectionPool, if any.

The singleton ConnectionPool, or null.