Package com.bristle.javalib.sql

Interface Summary
ConnectionPool.DBConfig This interface must be implemented by any class that expects to serve as a DBConfig object for use with ConnectionPool.

Class Summary
ConnectionPool This class encapsulates pools of database connections.
ConnectionPool.SimpleDBConfig Sample class implementing the DBConfig interface.
ConnectionPool.Tester Each class contains a Tester inner class with a main() for easier unit testing.
ConnectionPoolFinder This class makes it possible for Java servlets to access an existing ConnectionPool that may be stored in the servlet's Session context, the servlet's ServletContext (application context), or as the ConnectionPool global singleton.
ConnectionPoolFinder.Tester Each class contains a Tester inner class with a main() for easier unit testing.
ConnectionPoolUtil This class contains utility routines for use with JDBC databases.
ConnectionPoolUtil.DBContext Convenience class used to pass multiple related database objects around.
ConnectionPoolUtil.InsertOrUpdateResult This class is used as the return value of insertOrUpdateReturnPK() so that it can return a composite value.
ConnectionPoolUtil.Tester Each class contains a Tester inner class with a main() for easier unit testing.
DummyConnection This implements dummy Connection for testing purposes.
DummyConnectionPool This implements dummy ConnectionPool for testing purposes.
JDBCUtil This class contains utility routines for use with JDBC.
JDBCUtil.Tester Each class contains a Tester inner class with a main() for easier unit testing.

Exception Summary
ConnectionPoolUtil.NoDataFoundException Thrown when no data is found in a situation that requires data.