Fred Stluka's links page -- High on content -- Low on frills

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Stluka Sites Bristle Software (Fred's company) ITWorld review of Fred's Links and Tips pages (2008) Ada95 Quality and Style (1995 re-write) Ada83 Quality and Style (Converted to HTML -- 1993) Ada83 Quality and Style (Fred's first on-line book -- 1991) Fred's TRN summary sheet (1989) Fred's entry 3.10 in the Apollo FAQ (1988) Fred's published senior project at the Unversity of Pennsylvania (1982)
Matt Brophy (Fred's nephew) Matt's TechPage Tom Stluka (Fred's brother) Tom's MSOffice Tips Jeff Stluka (Fred's brother) Mary Jane Cope (Fred's aunt) Rosalie Stluka (Fred's aunt) Rosalie Stluka (Fred's aunt)
Greg Cope -- Photography (Fred's cousin) Greg Cope -- (Fred's cousin) Delaware Riverkeeper Network (Fred's sister-in-law) Anneke (Fred's niece) Michael (Fred's nephew) Michael' Basketball page Peter (Fred's nephew) Danny (Fred's nephew)
Reagan (Fred's cousin) Reagan (Fred's cousin) Cassady (Fred's cousin) Cassady (Fred's cousin) Cassady (Fred's cousin) Mary Cecilia (Fred's cousin) Tim Cope -- Geology (Fred's cousin) David Cope -- Computer Generated Music (Fred's uncle)
Roy Sewall (Fred's cousin-in-law) Roy Sewall (Fred's cousin-in-law) Ernst Wijsmuller (Fred's cousin-in-law)
Brita's LACalc (Fred's wife)
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Too many bugs to talk about Can't even give Windows away for free Abandoning Internet Explorer
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JP Vossen Alex Yankelevich Sharon Flank Chris Marasti-Georg Tom Adler Steve Rubin Glen Marshall Chris Hunter
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Charities Non-Profit Website Directory National Charities Info Bureau Better Business Bureau Non-Profit Times Internet Non-Profit Center Crisis Relief Volunteer Opportunities
IIAM - International Institute for the Advancement of Medicine Gene Stluka at IIAM
Holiday links Santa Claus Holiday histories Christmas lights synchronized to music
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Executors Unholy mess
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Aerial Photographs TerraServer MS TerraServer GeoEye Google Maps Yahoo Maps MapQuest PASDA -- Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access
Depression Dealing with Depression iFred -- International Foundation for Research and Education on Depression Dealing with depression in yourself and others (20-minute video by Russ Keith-Magee) Why are so many teenagers anxious? Advice to new programmers -- It's hard NeuroStar TMS -- Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
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Gallagher's Auto Service
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Fun The Fred Factor MyHero.swf NumaNuma.swf Guess who? My favorite Zazzle T-Shirt Beer is good for you Free Hugs Rube Goldberg machine to turn lemons into lemonade
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Piano Stairs Billy Joel "We Didn't Start the Fire" w/pictures Synchronized jump rope Pink Glove Dance Animator vs. Animation Space Station assembly, piece by piece Scale of the Universe -- Cosmic and subatomic sizes Left/Right Brain Color Test
Hallelujah Chorus Flash Mob Pharell Williams "Happy" Keke Challenge
Inspiring "Ishmael" by Daniel Quinn "The Fred Factor" by Mark Sanborn Maximizing The Fred Factor
Nice 11 ways to make immigrants feel welcome
Nerd Fun Steven Strogatz: How things in nature tend to sync up Type upside down Bret Victor talk and demos Bret Victor, Purveyor of impossible dreams The Restart Page Why is the sky dark at night? Tilde.Club Developaralysis
If Carpenters Were Hired Like Programmers The Expert The First Web Page
xkcd jokes sudo Wrong on the Internet Little Bobby Tables Estimating time to copy a file Psychic Tech support flow chart Tech support code word Workaround
Useful spam Gravity Wells (not a joke, but interesting) Happens every time?
Tech Support
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Ignorance has a tell Longer than expected Plan my schedule around your incompetence 110% percent Bossify it Micro-managing half-wits Do you understand? Signal to noise ratio was too low
Don't talk Haven't achieved your goals How many days? Do you trust your estimate?
No kill switch on awesome Only the bad employees stay You don't disagree with me
Dilbert-like Wave the stick
Plastic pollution Plastic microfibers in water, air, etc.
Make America Honorable Again Why a reduced corporate rate is a bad idea

The purpose of this page is to provide links that are useful for quick access to reference info. I use this page to look up words in the dictionary, names in the phonebook, stock quotes, weather, street maps and directions to addresses, etc. I also keep links to links pages, search engines, news sources, computer magazines, computer vendors, computer programming references, etc. I try to keep it lightweight -- minimal graphics, no applets, etc. I may eventually split it up, but prefer to keep it as one large page for now. Feel free to download and store a local copy of this page in case you want it sometime when this site is not available to you.