CASE_INSENSITIVE - Static variable in class com.bristle.javalib.xml.XSLUtil.SortCaseOrder
castToString(BooleanWrapper) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.BooleanWrapper
Return the BooleanWrapper cast to a String, or null if the specified BooleanWrapper is null.
castToString(IntegerWrapper) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.IntegerWrapper
Return the IntegerWrapper cast to a String, or null if the specified IntegerWrapper is null.
castToString(Object) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.ObjUtil
Return the specified object cast to a String, or null if no object was specified.
castToString(StringWrapper) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.StringWrapper
Return the StringWrapper cast to a String, or null if the specified StringWrapper is null.
checkError() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.xml.XMLWriter
Check for errors in the nested Writer, if it's a PrintWriter.
cleanupDBContext(ConnectionPoolUtil.DBContext, boolean, boolean, Logger, int, ConnectionPool) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPoolUtil
Cleanup the database objects, optionally closing the database connection.
cleanupDBContext(ConnectionPoolUtil.DBContext, Logger, int, ConnectionPool) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPoolUtil
Cleanup the database objects, leaving the database connection open, and returning it to the connection pool, if any.
cleanupDBContext(ConnectionPoolUtil.DBContext, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPoolUtil
Cleanup the database objects, optionally closing the database connection, using the default values for Logger and ConnectionPool.
cleanupDBContext(ConnectionPoolUtil.DBContext) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPoolUtil
Cleanup the database objects, leaving the database connection open, and returning it to the connection pool, if any, using the default values for Logger and ConnectionPool.
clear() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.bean.MapBean
Calls Map.clear()
clear() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPool
Clear all connections from the pool, closing them.
clear() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.ui.ObjectDisplayDataMap
Overridden clear method to prevent the map from being modified.
clearAvailable() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPool
Clear all available connections from the pool, closing them.
clearIdle() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPool
Clear all available connections that have been idle too long from the pool, closing them.
clearWarnings() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.DummyConnection
close() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.DummyConnection
com.bristle.javalib.app - package com.bristle.javalib.app
com.bristle.javalib.awt - package com.bristle.javalib.awt
com.bristle.javalib.bean - package com.bristle.javalib.bean
com.bristle.javalib.io - package com.bristle.javalib.io
com.bristle.javalib.jsp - package com.bristle.javalib.jsp
com.bristle.javalib.log - package com.bristle.javalib.log
com.bristle.javalib.net.ftp - package com.bristle.javalib.net.ftp
com.bristle.javalib.net.html - package com.bristle.javalib.net.html
com.bristle.javalib.net.http - package com.bristle.javalib.net.http
com.bristle.javalib.security - package com.bristle.javalib.security
com.bristle.javalib.sql - package com.bristle.javalib.sql
com.bristle.javalib.sql.bristle - package com.bristle.javalib.sql.bristle
com.bristle.javalib.sql.dictionary - package com.bristle.javalib.sql.dictionary
com.bristle.javalib.sql.oracle - package com.bristle.javalib.sql.oracle
com.bristle.javalib.ui - package com.bristle.javalib.ui
com.bristle.javalib.util - package com.bristle.javalib.util
com.bristle.javalib.xml - package com.bristle.javalib.xml
commit() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.DummyConnection
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.ui.DisplayDataTypeEnum
Compares other objects to this DisplayDataTypeEnum
conn - Variable in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPoolUtil.DBContext
connALLOCATE_CONNECTION_FROM_POOL - Static variable in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPoolUtil
connect(String, String, String) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.net.ftp.Ftp
Connect to the FTP server and login.
ConnectionPool - Class in com.bristle.javalib.sql
This class encapsulates pools of database connections.
ConnectionPool(String) - Constructor for class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPool
ConnectionPool(String, int) - Constructor for class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPool
ConnectionPool.DBConfig - Interface in com.bristle.javalib.sql
This interface must be implemented by any class that expects to serve as a DBConfig object for use with ConnectionPool.
ConnectionPool.SimpleDBConfig - Class in com.bristle.javalib.sql
Sample class implementing the DBConfig interface.
ConnectionPool.SimpleDBConfig(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPool.SimpleDBConfig
ConnectionPool.Tester - Class in com.bristle.javalib.sql
Each class contains a Tester inner class with a main() for easier unit testing.
ConnectionPool.Tester() - Constructor for class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPool.Tester
ConnectionPoolFinder - Class in com.bristle.javalib.sql
This class makes it possible for Java servlets to access an existing ConnectionPool that may be stored in the servlet's Session context, the servlet's ServletContext (application context), or as the ConnectionPool global singleton.
ConnectionPoolFinder(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPoolFinder
ConnectionPoolFinder.Tester - Class in com.bristle.javalib.sql
Each class contains a Tester inner class with a main() for easier unit testing.
ConnectionPoolFinder.Tester() - Constructor for class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPoolFinder.Tester
ConnectionPoolUtil - Class in com.bristle.javalib.sql
This class contains utility routines for use with JDBC databases.
ConnectionPoolUtil() - Constructor for class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPoolUtil
ConnectionPoolUtil.DBContext - Class in com.bristle.javalib.sql
Convenience class used to pass multiple related database objects around.
ConnectionPoolUtil.DBContext() - Constructor for class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPoolUtil.DBContext
ConnectionPoolUtil.InsertOrUpdateResult - Class in com.bristle.javalib.sql
This class is used as the return value of insertOrUpdateReturnPK() so that it can return a composite value.
ConnectionPoolUtil.InsertOrUpdateResult() - Constructor for class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPoolUtil.InsertOrUpdateResult
ConnectionPoolUtil.NoDataFoundException - Exception in com.bristle.javalib.sql
Thrown when no data is found in a situation that requires data.
ConnectionPoolUtil.NoDataFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPoolUtil.NoDataFoundException
ConnectionPoolUtil.Tester - Class in com.bristle.javalib.sql
Each class contains a Tester inner class with a main() for easier unit testing.
ConnectionPoolUtil.Tester() - Constructor for class com.bristle.javalib.sql.ConnectionPoolUtil.Tester
contains(Object) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.bean.MapBean
Calls Set.contains(Object) on the Set returned by Map.entrySet()
containsAll(Collection) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.bean.MapBean
Calls Set.containsAll(Collection) on the Set returned by Map.entrySet()
containsAnyChar(String, String) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.StrUtil
Return true if strString contains any of the chars in strChars; false otherwise.
containsAnyOtherChar(String, String) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.StrUtil
Return true if strString contains any char other than those in strChars; false otherwise.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.bean.MapBean
Calls Map.containsKey(Object)
containsValue(Object) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.bean.MapBean
Calls Map.containsValue(Object)
copy(Node, DOMResult) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.xml.XSLUtil
Uses an XSL transformation to copy the specified XML Document, DocumentFragment or Element to the specified DOMResult (which should refer to an XML Document, DocumentFragment or Element), and returning the generated XML as a Node.
copy(Node, Node) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.xml.XSLUtil
Uses an XSL transformation to copy the specified XML Document, DocumentFragment or Element to the specified Node (which should be an XML Document, DocumentFragment or Element), and returning the generated XML as a Node.
copy(Node) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.xml.XSLUtil
Uses an XSL transformation to copy the specified XML Document, DocumentFragment or Element to a new Document.
copyBinaryFileToStream(String, OutputStream, long) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.io.FileUtil
Copy the binary contents of the file with the specified name to the specified OutputStream, up to the specified number of bytes, returning the count of bytes written.
copyBinaryFileToWriter(String, Writer) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.io.FileUtil
Copy the contents of the specified binary file to the specified Writer.
copyBinaryFileToWriter(String, Writer, long) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.io.FileUtil
Copy the binary contents of the file with the specified name to the specified Writer, up to the specified number of bytes, returning the count of bytes written.
copyBinaryStreamToFile(InputStream, String, long) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.io.FileUtil
Copy the binary contents of the specified InputStream to the file with the specified name, up to the specified number of bytes, returning the count of bytes written.
copyBinaryStreamToStream(InputStream, OutputStream, long) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.io.FileUtil
Copy the binary contents of the specified InputStream to the specified OutputStream, up to the specified number of bytes, returning the count of bytes written.
copyBinaryStreamToWriter(InputStream, Writer, long) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.io.FileUtil
Copy the binary contents of the specified InputStream to the specified Writer, up to the specified number of bytes, returning the count of bytes written.
createEmptyDocument() - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.xml.XMLUtil
Creates an empty XML Document.
createMap(Iterator) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.MapUtil
Create a Map from the specified Iterator, using Integer values 0, 1, 2, and so on as the key values.
createMap(Enumeration) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.MapUtil
Create a Map from the specified Enumeration, using Integer values 0, 1, 2, and so on as the key values.
createMap(List) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.MapUtil
Create a Map from the specified List, using Integer values 0, 1, 2, and so on as the key values.
createMap(Object[]) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.MapUtil
Create a Map from the specified array, using Integer values 0, 1, 2, and so on as the key values.
createMap(Iterator, Iterator) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.MapUtil
Create a Map from the specified Iterators of keys and values.
createMap(Enumeration, Enumeration) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.MapUtil
Create a Map from the specified Enumerations of keys and values.
createMap(List, List) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.MapUtil
Create a Map from the specified Lists of keys and values.
createMap(Object[], Object[]) - Static method in class com.bristle.javalib.util.MapUtil
Create a Map from the specified arrays of keys and values.
createStatement() - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.DummyConnection
createStatement(int, int) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.DummyConnection
createStatement(int, int, int) - Method in class com.bristle.javalib.sql.DummyConnection